♥ Yoonmin I♥

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"What's the matter again Jimin?" Yoongi asked his boyfriend.

"Look! They left him again! With us!" Jimin said so irritated. "It's the 3rd time this week! Where do they going again? Aissh!" Jimin's parent left their home for some 'important business' leaving Jungkook with him. Jungkook is his younger 7 year old brother.

"What? There's nothing wrong with that"

"There is!!"

"I know! It's our 2nd anniversary and we have to postpone it.."

"Yes! We have to postpone it! For the fourth time. Because everytime we need to celebrate our relationship thingy they always left"

"Shhh!" Yoongi said and put his index finger in Jimin's lips. "I'm talking right?" Jimin nodded and Yoongi continue. "As I was sa---"

"Hyungsss!!!" Yoongi again. Was interrupted, but now by Jungkook shouting and running.

"Ugh! Is it an interruption hour? You two always interrupt me! What is that?"

"Sorry hyung, but. I want to play."

"Jungkook we're not playground so why go with us to play?" Jimin said.

"And also. We're not toys, remember? We're your hyungs."

"I know that! But I want to play with you two!" Jungkook said.

"Why me? Play with your Yoongi hyung. Don't join me with that."

"Jiminie... Yoy don't want to play? Ahah... I don't think so. C'mon!" Yoongi said and move towards Jimin. Now lying on his bed. "Jungkook go. Wait at the staircase." Jungkook follow.

"I don't want! What again this time?" Jimin said.

"He don't do anything wrong. He just want to play."

"He don't do anything wrong, right now! But maybe later... He can burn the house like what he did last week. He can broke all the chandeliers and bulbs like he did last monday. And also? What? Soaking ny research and thesis papers on water tub making it a paper boat like what he did last wednesday?"

"Hahaha! You're acting so cute!!"

"Aissh! Stop it Min Yoongi!" Jimin said and cover himself with a blanket. "I don't want to play with a kid!"

"So you want to play with... kids?" Yoongi said and removing blanket over Jimin.

"Aissh! That's not what I mean!" Yoongi peck Jimin's lips

"C'mon! Jungkook can tell you to your parents. You don't want that right?"

"Ok ok! Fine! Aissh! You two win!" Jimin said and got up.

"That's my Jimin" Yoongi said while laughing.

"Stop teasing me Min Yoongi!"

"I'm not teasing you! I'm stating the fact Park Jimin."

They walk out the room and find Jungkook burying his head on his knees.

"They're so slow! I need to go now!"

"Stop it Jungkook! We're here now. Stop complaining." Jimin said.

"Hyungg!!!" Jungkook shouted and hug Jimin. "I know you'll come! Haha! You can't resist me! You're the best!"

"Stop being exaggerated Jungkook! He comes here because of me. Your hyung like me that much that he can't resist me!" Yoongi said. Again. Arguing with Jungkook.

"But Jimin hyung loves me!"

"No! He's mine!"

"No way! He's my hyung!"

"But his my boyfriend!"

"But his my hyung! And.. he's included in my family!"

"But I'm his husband and we will grow old together with our kids we'll be making our perfect family and also.." Yoongi was cut of by a peck on his lips.

"Stop arguing with a kid Min Yoongi!"

"But he says you love him!"

"I love you, ok? Stop complaining! You want to play right?"

"Really?? Oohhh! You hear that Jungkook? He love me so stop sayi--" Again. Yoongi was cut off by Jimin's lips pressing into him.

"Stop arguing right?" Jimin said and go downstairs.

"Jungkook" Yoongi said.

"Yes hyung?"

"I think we should argue more."

"Why hyung?"

"Min Yoongggiiiii!!! Stop that thing!! He's just 7 years old!!!" Jimin shouted as he hear what Yoongi said.

"Ok! Sorryyy!" Yoongi chuckled and go downstairs too.

"Hyung let's play! Hide and seek! I want that! Yeah!" Jungkook clap as he said his idea.

"Your the one who'll find us!" Yoongi said.

"Why me? You two are unfair!!"

"That's it hyung! Stop arguing!!!"

"But Jungkook--Wait... that's my line?!"

"I just borrow it hyung. Haha! Find us!"

"Jimin... count 1-10! Don't cheat!" Yoongi peck Jimin's lips then go outside.

"1...2....3...4...5....6...7...8...9....10... I'm here..." Jimin said and sneak out to gaden.

"SURPRISE!!" Everybody shout in unison. There were balloons everywhere. Also their friends are there, standing and holding roses and balloons. There's a big banner saying 'HAPPY ANNIVERSARY'

"Wha- Who- Why?" Jimin said shuttering and can't find his own words.

"Hahaha! You're so cute!!" Yoongi said snaking his arms around Jimin's stomach. Jimin is about to speak when  Yoongi stop him. "Me first. Ummhhh, obviously it was all planned. Next is, happy anniversary. Yes, when we celebrate some of our relationship thingy and something, most of the time we postpone it. But of course not now. It's our anniversary after all!! And... I love you..."

"I-I love you too.. Thank you for this.. Happy Anniversary"

"Hey! Stop being cheesy! Said that things somewhere private! You're being creepy!" Namjoon said. He earned a smack from Jin. Basically his boyfriend. "What?"

"It's cute! Aissh! Can't you appreciate it? Look at his efforts!" Jin said.

"But I'm sweeter! That's it? Happy Anniversary? What if I propose to you right now? That's more romantic right?" Namjoon said, fighting back.

"And now... who is cheesy?" Jimin said and laugh. All others laugh too. Of course not Namjoon.

"It's ok Namjoon. After maybe 3 years? I'll do that!" Yoongi said.

"Look! Jimin is blushing!!" Hoseok said.

"Me? I'm not!!" Jimin said then cover his face and others laugh again.

"Hyungggssss!! We're hungryyyy!" The two maknaes, Taehyung and Jungkook who are in the same age, said in unison.

"Ok, ok! We're coming."

That night, they ate dinner talk about anything with the two maknaes. Maknaes? Bragging about their self. Jungkook tell how he helped on making everything work, and also brag about being a great actor and would be a famous artist when he grow up. And Taehyung? The one who always shutter Jungkook.

The hyungs think? They will be like Jimin and Yoongi. The one that always argue but always love each other and will always be together.

I think every chapter would include other ships. Enjoy!

♥ Namjin ♥ Yoonmin ♥ Taekook ♥Where stories live. Discover now