I missed you so much, brother

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"Here, cover yourself," he gave Jungkook his white hoodie and smirked.

"Yeah, where are you going on Sunday afternoon? Me and Jennie have cooked a breakfast for you, guys" Jin asked him quickly.

"I have some stuff to do, sorry," Suga replied coldly and went outside. Jennie was following him with her sight until he sat in the car. She was waiting for him to turn back and at least look at her, but he didn't. He hasn't even talked to her about what happened yesterday. Taehyung was judging Suga so badly because he could see that Jennie was hurt.

When the gates opened, and Yoongi was about to leave, Jungkook knocked at his window asking to open it.

"Where are you going?" was the only thing he asked.

"I told you, I have some important stuff to do," Suga replied emotionlessly. Jungkook then saw Jennie, looking at them through the kitchen window, and asked:

"Is there really anything more important than her?" he asked him quietly and looked at Suga's face which still didn't show any emotions.

"Nothing will ever be more important than her," Suga replied and quickly closed the window. When Jungkook stepped back, the car's motor thundered, and soon Yoongi was gone.

Jungkook didn't understand how could Suga be so cold and reckless after what he told them yesterday. Why did he always have to hide his feelings right after he showed them to someone? He couldn't understand it, just like Jennie, who felt the familiar pain coming back again.

Hospitals always smelled like bleach, medicines and fear to Yoongi. Kids crying non-stop, nurses running around, and doctors who could either make you sigh with relief or break your heart in thousand pieces. But he thing Suga hated the most about hospitals was waiting. He couldn't do anything , he couldn't make time go faster, and what's worse, he didn't know what to expect.

"Min Yoongi" the lady called him from the reception desk, "Doctor Park is ready to talk with you," she told him.

"Thank you," Suga replied quietly and quickly went inside the cabinet.

"Good afternoon, Yoongi. I wish we could meet in more favorable conditions, but I guess it happened again..." Doctor Park began because he knew that Suga has always been pretty straightforward.

"Yes, Doctor. She told me she saw him again, and panic attack repeated also." Yoongi replied unable to look around, too many bad memories were connected to this cabinet.

"What triggered it?" Doctor Park asked him and opened his notebook.

"She has been going through a lot of stress lately. University stuff, family problems and..." he hesitated, " and me. We haven't talked with each other for almost two years, since I left the family," he sighed.

"What about alcohol and drugs" Doctor asked and made another note.

"No, she has never had pills, as long as I know, and she stopped drinking six months ago, but yesterday she had some cocktails in the bar," he stopped and put his head in his hands, " I should've gone with her, mb this whole thing wouldn't happen then."

"A few drinks can't make her childhood trauma show itself in such a dramatic way. It's all due to the stress and her emotional instability. Don't blame everything on you, Yoongi. It won't help. Our main purpose for now is to prevent the more serious consequences that may follow. We both don't want the previous bad experience repeat again."

Suga couldn't say anything, he was fighting with the memories of this horrible night, that happened three years ago when he woke up because of her paranoid scream. He found Jennie covered with bruises and fresh wounds in their own garage, which looked like there's a mini tornado there. It's the first time after the incident in amusement park when she said she saw him again. She told Yoongi that she wanted to hide from him in the garage, but he kept chasing her, so she tried to protect herself with everything possible.

Save me. {taehyung x jennie} {yoonkook}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora