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"Blow out your candles baby," said Beth with a fading Irish accent and a smile on her young beautiful face. I blew out the candle on the strawberry and whipped cream covered waffles. I took the candle out handing it to her. I swiped my finger onto the frosting and licked it. "Did you make a wish?"

"That kind of magic doesn't exist," I said, stabbing out a bite.

Beth smiled at me. "Is that the birthday girl I see?" asked Carlson as he walked into the kitchen. He kissed the top of my head. "Happy birthday, baby. You're getting so old." he walked over to Beth wrapping his arms around her. He pushed her light red hair to the side and kissed her neck.

I rolled my eyes. "Says the hundred twenty two year vampire, i can't be the old one when i'm one hundred and one years younger than you." Carlson is a pureblood vampire meaning he was born from vampire parents. Fifty years ago he found Beth in Ireland and turned her. Humans can only be turned by their mates.

"Beth, she called me old," he whined.

She rolled her eyes. "Neither of you are children so stop acting like one."

I stabbed a piece of pancake with my fork and was about to eat it when it was stolen. I turned my head and glared at my best friend's mate, Austin, eating my food. He's a handsome African American twenty-two-year-old vampire.

"Mornin lex," Austin said with his mouth full. After he swallowed he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "happy birthday."

"Thanks. But don't eat my food." I glared at him. He chuckled and sat down next to me. His mate, Cecilia, walked in wearing a black long sleeve blouse, a pink skirt, and thigh-high black boots. Her long curly dark red hair was tied up in a ponytail and eyeliner on making her big brown eyes stand out. Cece is Beth and Carlson's daughter. She's my best friend and basically my sister given that we were raised together. Pureblood's age normally until they are twenty-one. Cece turned twenty-one three months ago.

Austin looked at her with love in his eyes before standing up. " you look amazing Baby." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah you look great Cece but why?" I asked.

"We are going out for your birthday silly"

" Cece do we have to?" I pleaded.

"yes, Lexi. We go out every year on your birthday. So go get ready."

Austin sighed " just do it, Lex, it'll be fun I promise i mean I'll be there."

I sighed but got up and went to my room to change. I put on a plaid bandeu top, black ripped boyfriend jeans and black converse. I quickly put my hair in two french braids and put on some mascara on before heading downstairs.

"Ohhh you look good Lexi, now let's go"

"Have fun Hun" said Beth as she hugged me goodbye. I grabbed my phone and wallet and left with Cece and Austin. The day was filled with going go-karting, laser tagging and eating at my favorite mexican restaurant for lunch. The activities may sound childish but it was a tradition we do every year on each others birthdays since we were ten.

After the fun-filled day we came home. As we were walking up to the door Cece stopped. "What?" i asked.

She sniffed the air before speaking again. "Vampires"

I looked at her confused. " yes Cece there are vampires in the house. If you forgot, you are a vampire so are your parents and Austin."

" no Lex, she's right there's" he smelled the air. " three other vampires in the house."

We all looked at each other before Austin wrapped his arm around my shoulders protectively and Cece walked in front of me before heading inside the house. We got inside to see Beth and Carlson talking to three men. Beth noticed me first and sped over to us. She stood in front of me before turning back to the men. "The whole family is here now what would you like to speak about Ted?"

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