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Sebastian and i were sitting in the library reading. My legs were on his lap. He rubbed up and down my thighs as we read. "Shit," he said looking down at his watch. He set his book down. "I have to go work with my mom, i'll be back later." he lifted my legs off of his lap and set them on the couch.

"Okay," i said, not looking up from my book.

He grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at him. He pecked my lips. "Bye, mea soare."

I smiled. "Bye."

He smiled back. He left the library. I started reading again with my book propped up on my now bent legs. "Alexa," i heard someone say in a breathy whisper. I looked up. I didn't see anyone and the door to the library was closed. I shook my head, chalking it up to my imagination. I got through a few pages of the book when i heard it again. "Alexa."

I set down my book. "Who's there?" i called out. There was no reply. I ran my hand through my hair. "I'm going crazy," i whispered to myself. I closed my book as i stood up. After taking a few steps, the room began to spin. "Darrian," i called out as i fell to the ground. Everything went black.

I woke up somewhere else. The stone floor i was laying down on was cold and rough against my skin. I sat up to see a single woman sitting on a throne at the other end of the cave we were in. she looked over at me. "Hello Alexa," she said.

"Who are you? Where are we? How do you know my name?"

She smiled. "Relax my child." she stood up and walked over to me, her sheer white gown flowing behind her. She reached down for me. I grabbed her hand and pulled myself up to stand. She walked us over to her throne. I sat down on the chair beside her. "I am Lun."

My eyes widened. I quickly bowed my hair. "My goddess."

"There's no need to bow, my child, you are my guest here."

I looked around. We were in a bright shiny rock cave. In the center of the room was a bowl on a stand. "Where are we exactly?"

"My realm."

"Are we on the moon?"

"I am, you aren't," she said. She waved her hand. A holographic screen appeared in front of us. On the screen i saw myself on the floor of the library. "You are still in your palace on earth."

"So none of this is real?" i asked. "It's all a dream?"

She smiled. "Just because it's a dream doesn't make it any less real." she waved her hand again making the screen disappear. "I needed to speak to you but i did not have the energy to come back to earth."

"What could you possibly need to talk to me about?" i asked. "I'm sure there are thousands of more important people on earth."

"Don't underestimate your importance, my child," she told me. "You are very important to a project i am working on. I can't have your past changed."

"My past?"

She nodded. "What do you think the stone of Loren does?" she asked. I didn't reply. "Elsa wants you to believe that you can have it all, your mate and your parents. But she's wrong." she stood up. I followed her over to the bowl of water in the middle of the room. "If she brings your parents back, your entire present will be changed." She dipped her finger into the water. I closed my eyes as she ran her finger across my eyelids. "I'll be showing you the past."

When i opened my eyes, we were no longer in the cave but somewhere else entirely. It took me a moment to realize we were at the hunter's compound. Lun started walking further into the compound, further than i was taken when i was las there. I followed behind her. We walked into a large bedroom. I gasped. "Daddy?" i whispered.

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