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"Oh gods please be in here," i heard as the door to the library was opened. Sebastian walked inside. He blew out a breath of relief and his body seemed to relax. "Damnit Alexa, why didn't tell where you were?" he growled.

I closed my book and set it on my lap. "I thought i was allowed anywhere in the palace?"

He sighed. "You are." he walked over kneeling down in front of me. "I'm sorry, i'm so sorry." He grabbed my hands and held them in front of him. "I thought you left me."

"Why would you think that?"

"There was a perimeter breach." he kissed my hands. "I'm sorry for freaking out on you."

"It's okay. Are we safe? Is there someone on the grounds?"

"I'm having the guards take a look around." he stood up. "I'm gonna have Darrian sit with you just in case though."

"Or maybe you could stay with me?" i asked. He looked as if he was in deep thought. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

He smiled softly. "I'd love to spend the day with you, mea soare." he sat down across from me on the other couch. "What are you reading?"

"Little woman. it's one of my favorites, i've read it a bunch of times." i stood up. He followed close behind me. I looked back at him. I raised my eyebrow.

"You dressed up to read in the library?" he asked. I had on a dark red pantsuit with the jacket opened to show off my bright red bralette.

"My closet is filled with beautiful clothes, i don't have many options to dress casually." I put the book back on the shelf. I ran my finger along the spines of the books until i found one that interested me. I walked over to sit back down. He grabbed a book and sat down across from me. I opened the book and started reading.

It was a bloody three-day attack. The humans lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers. We were outnumbered 3:1. The hunters were wiped out. Their lifestyle and hatred of us wiped out along with them.
On the first day we hid under the cover of night slaughtering over half their forces. By daylight we were gone. blood coated the ground, the smell lingered in the air.
On the second day we learned they knew how to wound us, they knew how to kill us. Our queen escaped with her elite guard.
On the third day we learned a horrible truth. We weren't fighting an army, we were fighting fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, the strongest of a family. Hundreds of families sent their warriors to wipe us out while their young, weak, sickly, and elderly hid away, waiting for their family to return. They would not see their families again except after death.

I closed my book and set it in my lap. I looked across from me at Sebastian. "Why did she do it?" i asked.

"Why did who do what?" Sebastian asked, not looking up from his book.

"Why did she kill all those hunters?"

He set down his book. "Let me see the book." i handed it to him. He looked over what i read before standing up. He walked over to a small chest lifting the lip up. He looked through stacks of books before walking back over to me holding a small black book. "This will explain."

i took it from him carefully, opening the old diary. "Whose is it?"

"My mothers, there are hundreds of diaries but this one is from the right years."

Not your Average Cinderella✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora