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"I'm mad at you," i said as my bedroom door opened.

"And you have every right to be," Sebastian said.

I closed my book and laid it on my lap. "You've ignored me all day."

"I know mea soare and i'm sorry."

He stayed by the door, not coming any closer to me. "And now you won't even come near me?" i asked. "Did i do something wrong?"

"No Alexa, i'm sorry i made you think that." he walked over to me kneeling down in front of me. Sebastian grabbed my face. "It's a full moon tonight, do you know what that means?" i shook my head. "When the full moon reaches the apex every part of me will want to turn you."

"Against my will?"

He nodded. "I won't be able to control myself." he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "Nathanial and Darrian will guard the door to keep me away from you."

"And if they can't?"

"I don't know. I hope you will be able to stop me but i just don't know."

"I don't understand why you ignored me though?"

"Alexa, even now, i'm tempted to turn you. It isn't as strong right now so i'm able to control myself. I wasn't sure if i could but Darrian told me that you deserve an explanation."

I put my hands on top of his. "I don't believe you'd hurt me."

"You don't know what i'm capable of."

"You're not capable of hurting me, i have to believe that."

He kissed my forehead, his lips lingering for a moment. "I have to go, i'll be back tomorrow." he stood up. He cupped my face and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "Stay safe." I nodded. He looked at me for a minute before leaving my room.

The next couple of hours i was locked away in my room. Darrian let me know that Sebastian had himself chained in the dungeon so that he couldn't hurt me. I wasn't allowed to leave. They were afraid my scent might rile him up.

Part of me was scared but another part of me truly believed he would never hurt me.

I had changed into a pair of spandex and a long sleeve t-shirt. I walked over to my window. I looked up into the night sky. The moon was high and bright in the sky. A loud and menacing growl echoed throughout the palace. My bedroom door opened. Darrian and Nate walked in. "that was him wasn't it?"

"Yes," Darrian said. "We're gonna move you somewhere where he can't follow your scent."

"My parents are gonna hold him off but we need to hurry," Nate said. "He's bound to break through those chains any minute."

Darrian held out his hand for me. I grabbed it. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up bridal style. Darrian and Nate walked onto my balcony. "Don't be scared," darrian said.

"Why would i be scared?" i asked. They both stepped onto the ledge. My eyes widened when i realized what was gonna happen next. I tucked my head into his chest as they jumped down to the ground. Darrian landed with a thud.

The two of them sped to the edge of the treeline. They were about to continue into the woods when i saw a figure on my balcony. "He got out," i whispered.

Darrian and Nate turned back to the palace. "Keep going," Nate ordered. "I'll hold him off." Sebastian jumped down to the ground. Nate ran back to the palace. Darrian sped into the forest before i saw what happened next. Darrian ran us deep into the forest. He stopped in front of a cave.

He set me down. "Come on," he said. I grabbed his hand. He walked us into the dark cave. I pressed against him as it became harder and harder to see. "Don't worry, I can see in the dark."

"What is this place?"

"An abandoned pure silver mine. The silver inhibits our abilities and if it enters our bloodstream we would die."

"Then you shouldn't be in here."

He chuckled. "Probably not." he squeezed my hand. "I'll be fine and more importantly, you'll be safe. Sebastian can't find you in here, he'll be too disoriented from the moon and the silver."

"Are you sure?"

He sighed. "No but i am hoping." We continued walking deeper into the cave. Darrian stopped us. He let go of my hand. "I'm right here," he said before i freaked out. He pulled me to his chest and pulled me to sit down on the ground in between his legs. "I'm wrapping you in my scent. If he does come to the cave, it will throw him off a bit," he whispered in my ear.

i shivered against him. He was naturally cold just like Sebastian and every other vampire. I closed my eyes and relaxed against his chest. He wrapped his jacket around me. "How do you know about this place?"

"Before i turned Brianna, Sebastian hid her here during the full moons. We'd compel her to forget every time. He didn't tell me where this place was until after i turned her."

"Will he hurt me?"

"I hope not but he broke through chains and got past the strongest vampire in existence just to get to you." he kissed the top of my head. "Try to sleep." i nodded. I found myself exhausted and easily fell asleep.

"Please please don't," i cried, walking backwards until my back hit the wall.

He sped over to me trapping me against the wall. His fangs descended as his eyes narrowed in on my neck. "Mine," i growled. I screamed in fright and pain as he bit into my neck.

I jolted awake. "Hey hey hey, you're okay," Darrian soothed. He rocked me back and forth until my heartbeat steadied. "What were you dreaming of?"

"Sebastian," i whispered. "Sebastian turning me."

He kissed the top of my head. "Don't worry, i won't let him turn you like this."

"What if i don't want to be turned? What if-" my sentence was stopped by Darrian's hand being slapped over my mouth.

"He's here," he whispered in a barely audible level. My eyes widened. "I'll distract him, you get out." He pulled us up to stand. He placed my hand on the stone wall. I felt a gust of air as Darrian sped away from me. A tear fell down my cheek. "You shouldn't be here Sebastian," Darrian's voice echoed from somewhere in the cave.

"I was the one that found this place Darrian" Sebastian yelled back. I was blind. Everything around me was black. I walked along the wall hoping that eventually i'd find the way out. "Do you really think i'm so stupid i wouldn't remember it?"

"Sebastian, don't do something you will regret."

"Give me my mate," he growled out, shaking the walls of the cave.

"You know i can't do that. Sebastian, she'll hate you forever if you turn her like this."

"I can hear her heartbeat," sebastian said. My eyes widened. "Don't run from me, mate," he yelled.

I started running. The light coming in from the entrance illuminated the cave enough for me to make it out. I ran through the woods. I screamed as i was lifted off the ground. "Hold on tight," said Nate. i wrapped my arms around him as he ran back to the palace. He stopped under my room. "Make sure to lean forward."

"What?" he grabbed me by the hips and threw me up. I landed on the ledge of my balcony. I fell forward landing on my hands and knees. I looked down to see Nate getting ready to jump. Before he could, Sebastian grabbed him and threw him into the woods. "Nate!" i cried.

I ran into my bedroom locking the balcony door. I slowly backed away. Sebastian jumped onto the balcony. I couldn't help the sob that escaped. He kicked the balcony door, shattering glass all over the floor. "Mate," he breathed out.

"Bash, please," i sobbed. I ran into the door. I slid down the wall bringing my knees up to my chest. I rested my head on my knees sobbing loudly.

Sebastian stalked over to me. He squatted down in front of me. He lifted my head up to look at him. He stared into my tear filled eyes. My eyes snapped shut when he got closer to me. I was lifted up off the floor. I whimpered. I opened my eyes as i was laid down on the bed. He laid his head on my chest. He closed his eyes listening to my heartbeat. "My mate," he whispered.

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