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A hand covered my mouth. My eyes widened as I was yanked off the bed. I struggled and kicked at my kidnapper. I looked down at Sebastian. A needle was beside him. His body convulsed from whatever they injected him with. His eyes found mine and they widened in fear.

"Sebastian," i screamed, muffled by the hand on my mouth.

I cried as i was taken from the room and from the house. A cloth was placed over my mouth and nose. I held my breath as long as i could but soon the chemicals that laced the cloth filled my system. My body fell limp in the arms of my kidnapper. I was lifted off the ground as i fell asleep.

I woke up on the hard floor. I kept my eyes closed listening to everyone around me. I heard footsteps all around me. "Is she awake yet?" asked a voice. I kept my breathing soft and even.

"No ma'am."

"How much did you give her?" the first voice asked. The voice seemed to have a hint of a sweedish accent. "My god, you are so incompetant. Wake her up."

I felt a hand on my shoulder lightly shaking me. I finally opened my eyes. I was in a small cold cell. I scooted away from the two people. My eyes widened. "Liam?" i asked in shock. "What the hell?"

He blew out a breath of relief. "You had us worried there for a moment."

He reached over touching my shoulder. I shrugged him off. "Don't you touch me." I looked over at his partner. She was an older woman in her late thirties or early forties. She had her brown hair tied in a bun. She had on a professionally looking pant suit on. "And who are you?"

"All your questions will be answered," she said in a professional emotionless tone. "But let's get out of here and move somewhere a bit more comfortable."

Liam reached over to help me stand. I slapped his hand away standing up on my own. We followed the woman out of the cell. We walked through an old empty hallway and arrived in a small conference room. I finally turned and slapped Liam across the face. He stumbled backwards holding his cheek. "What the-"

"I cannot believe you had me kidnapped," i growled. "Are you obsessed with me or something?"

"He didn't have you kidnapped," the lady said. "I did."

I turned to her. "Well then i'm gonna ask you again. Who are you?"

She waved me to sit. I sat down at the other end of the large table. "My name is Elsa Johansson. I am the current head of the hunters."


She raised her eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"The hunters were wiped out centuries ago, there is no longer an organized group of hunters."

She crossed one leg over the other. "And where did you get that information from? The vampires? Do you really think we would make our presence known to the royals after they tried to wipe us out?"

"They only attacked because you attacked Sebastian. He was a baby and your people tried to kill him."

She frowned. "You speak as though you... care for him."

"He's my mate."

"Your parents would be so disappointed," she sighed.

I stood up. "You know nothing about my parents."

"I know more than you might think." She stood up. "Come, i'll show you." i followed her out of the room and down a different hallway. She stopped us in front of a large portrait. Elsa stood next to two men and another woman. I reached up and touched my necklace realizing who two of the people were; my parents. "Elise was my cousin and our former leader," she told me.

I stepped backwards. "My parents were hunters?" i whispered.

"Your parents were amazing hunters," she said. "They were undercover, hoping to infiltrate a town council until the vampires killed them."

I slid down the wall not being able to tear my eyes away from the portrait of my parents. My mother was beautiful with the same golden blonde hair as me and a smile that lit up a room, even through a picture. My father was handsome and looked at my mother with so much love in his eyes. Beth and Carlson always told me i was the perfect combination of the two of them.

"What do you want with me?" i whispered.

She walked over to me squatting down beside me. "For now, all i want is for you to know your family. Hunting is in your blood, you must have felt that or else you would've turned." she reached out for me. I grabbed her hand and stood up with her.

"What's this have to do with Liam?"

"His family was tasked with watching over you, obviously he got a bit too close to you."

"What happens now?" i asked.

"Now you go back and think about what your future holds. We will reach out in time and then you will have to make a decision." liam walked over to us holding a cloth. I looked over at Elsa. "i'm sorry but we can't have you knowing where our hideout is, you might accidentally reveal it to them."

"Could i do it myself?" i asked. Liam handed the cloth to me. I covered my mouth and nose with it and breathed in deeply. Liam caught me as i fell back. I closed my eyes letting myself sleep.

"Alexa," someone said as they shook me. I opened my eyes. I was now outside on the ground and kneeling above me was Florian. I slowly sat up. "I found her," he shouted. He wrapped his arm around my waist helping me stand. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. I saw a blur before a pair of arms wrapped around me. Sebastian tucked his head into my neck holding me tight to him. "I thought i lost you."

I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm okay," i said. "I'm fine."

He pulled away and grabbed my face. "Where did you go? Do you know who took you?"

"I don't know where i was and hunters," i said. "Sebastian, they're organized, they have a whole compound. It's not just a bunch of hunters it's a whole community."

He looked over at Josephine and Florian. "What else did you learn?" Josephine asked me.

I didn't reply right away, not knowing how they'd react to what i learned. "That's all, i'm sorry."

"No you helped a lot," Sebastian told me. "We'll look into this but for now i'm taking you home." he picked me up bridal style. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes as he sped away. He stopped and set me down on my bed.

"Can you grab me something to change into?" i asked him. He nodded. He walked into my closet coming back out with a pair of sweats and a tank top. He turned around. I changed out of my clothes and into the clothes he got for me.

Sebastian turned back around. He kneeled down in front of me. He touched my cheek. "It's just us now, what happened?"

"My my parents, they were hunters," i said. "They were their leaders. Sebastian i'm descended from hunters."

He lightly caressed my cheek. "Do you plan on killing me?" i shook my head. He stood up and lifted me up setting me on his lap. "Then i don't care." he kissed the side of my head. "It doesn't matter who you were descended from. You're my mate and i love you no matter what."

I wrapped my arms around his waist. "They told me i'll have to make a decision."

"What kind of decision?"

"I don't know." i leaned up. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He held me tight to him. He gently bit down on my bottom lip, soothing it with his tongue. I ran my tongue against his. I pulled away. I looked into his eyes. He always looked at me with so much love in his eyes that it used to scare me, now it doesn't. "I choose you."
Hey everyone, I have noticed that my even numbered chapters have more reads than the odd numbered chapters so I just want all of you to know that I post two chapters every Saturday and not just the one like my other books.

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