"I can't."I say and begin walking to my closet. She drops her arms to her side and laughs. "Yes, you can. You sound amazing...what song were you singing? Did you make that?"she asks. "No."I lie. "Then who did?"she urges on. "Not telling."I say and start scanning through my clothes.

"Ash....I love you're voice. I'm not gonna force you to sing but it would be nice to hear it every once in awhile."she says and runs a hand through my hair.

I turn my head to her and see her with a small frown.

"What's wrong?"I ask.

"Nothing."she lies and smiles. I roll my eyes. "Ness-"

"I'm fine, Ash."she laughs and rests her head against the wall. I nod. "Okay. If you say so... I'm gonna get a shower, okay?"I say and pull my clothes out of my closet. She nods and wraps her arms around me.

I smile and kiss her head gently. "I love you, Ashton."she says with a sigh that follows. "I love you more, pumpkin."I smile and rub her back softly. She separates from me and twirls out of my arms.

"Give me these, I'll iron them while you're in the shower."she says, stealing my clothes from my arms. "You don't have to do that-"

"No, but I want to... I want to be the typical housewife for you."she smiles.

"Nothing about you is typical though, and what do you mean by housewife? Wife?"I ask. She shrugs, shifting her feet slightly.

"I meant I wanna do normal things that people like how we are would do things."she nods.

"People like how we are?"I question.

"Yeah. Our relationship."

"Our relationship? Other people live like us?"I chuckle slightly.

"I don't know, you never know. Someone out there might have the type of relationship we have."she says quietly and looks up at me with a small smile.

I narrow my eyes.

"What kind of relationship do we have, Vanessa?"I ask, testing her.

She sighs and puts on a concentrating face. I can tell she's really thinking.

Something about the look in her eyes. I don't know if it's the fact that she's standing in front of me with nothing but lingerie on or if it's the fact that after today I might not see her for another 2-3 days but she looks absolutely sexy to me and I love everything about her right now.

She hums slightly and pulls me out of my thoughts.

"We have a relationship like... Romeo and Juliet. I'd die for you, Ashton,"she pauses.

My heart takes a leap and I feel my throat become knotted up.

"no matter how many people think it's wrong for us to be together... At the end of the day it's just us."she says and wraps her arms around my neck and stands on her toes to barely meet my lips.

I feel myself smiling down at the beautiful girl before me.

"You'd die for me?"I ask. She nods slowly and gazes into my eyes with a bit of sadness. "Would you die for me?"she whispers.

Stalker; A.F.ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon