

'You killed my mother...'

I can't believe what is going on....Allmight the symbol of peace killed his own wife. What is he...


'D-dad...You...Your a murderer....'

But my dad is the best thing that has ever happened to me! To think that the symbol of peace is all a lie! IT WAS ALL A LIE!

'Why did you do it...?' I said stuttering in my voice.

'After she had you, she thought I couldn't protect our family...She turned out to be a villain...I was mistaken...But I never knew she loved me for real...So I murdered her, i regret it...I loved her so much and I killed her for the protection of the world'

'After she had me...What do you mean? What about Yoshi!!!????'

'Yoshi isn't your blood brother. Shigaraki is, I'm sorry.'

'MY BABY YOSHI! ISN'T MY BROTHER!!! WHO IS HE THEN!!!???' I yelled, now I'm pissed off...my baby brother...who I loved with all my heart turns out not to be my brother!

'Calm down-' My dad tried to say.


'He is dad's son.' Shigaraki said.

'Dad's son!? But we are his children...are you saying he had a second wife...'

Shigaraki nodded slowly, enough for me to process what was happening.

'That's enough for now-' Shigaraki said.

'(Y/N)? What is happening?' I turned around to see my ex- baby brother...Yoshi...Rubbing his eyes.

'Y-Yoshi...Yoshi!!!!!!! Know that (Y/N) Always loves you okay!' Now all my tears and emotions was coming out, I hugged him tight, when he touched my wet face.

'(Y/N)? Why are you crying? You look ugly like that!' He giggled wiping my tears, I smiled at him and his amusing self.

Then still holding him I stood up, he was in my arms.

'What am I supposed to do now? Stay with you... Or go with my real brother?' I aimed my question at my dad.

'Please stay...You know how much I love the both of you...' Dad said.

'I'm sorry. Goodbye daddy.'

A whole load of tears busted out of my eyes, I will have to take Yoshi with me as well.

Then I felt warmth on my back, and turn to see Shigaraki patting my back.

'I'll wait down here, while you and Yoshi grab your bags alright.' Shigaraki said softly, when I nodded.

'(Y/N) Where are we going?' Yoshi asked still in my arms.

'We are going on a little holiday is that okay baby?' I smiled with tears still pouring out.

Yoshi nodded excitedly at the lie.

I'm sorry...I took one last glimpse of my broken down dad...

Wth is happening to me!!!??? I feel a dark wave over taking me!!! I look behind me at the mirror and see my mood eyes changing black...

Shigaraki P.O.V

My baby sister...Is finally here! And she will stay with me and help me avenge our mothers death! She possesses one for all! How lovely~ I checked her data file...seems like she is the most powerful in the all of U.A, And with her little 'fake' brother on the side. We can raise him to defeat allmight aswell! As he also has great power...This will work out so well~ Haha!

I will avenge you mother, and so will your other child.

(Y/N) Toshinori.


A/N: WHATS UP!!!!!!!! Long time no see people! I am full of ideas for the next chapter! Whoohoo! I hope you enjoyed chapter nine~ I'm sorry for all the suspense and stuff haha~ I found out what I suck at, finishing stories off XD Seriously one day i'm like 'YES! THIS WILL BE THE GREATEST BOOK EVER' Then I finish about 3-6 chapters of it. 'LETS START A NEW BOOK! IT WILL BE THE GREATEST EVER!' And this cycle continues haha~

I hope this didn't confuse anyone. This is all fiction remember. So in the anime or manga I don't believe that Allmight and Shigaraki are related XD I just made it up on the spot!

Allmights Daughter. (MHA x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα