There were more, but did this guy really need them?

Jeremy looked at me and smiled a little, "I guess not, but here's one, you're the most amazing girl a guy can find." My eyebrows shot up in surprise and I looked away as I felt a heat rise to my cheeks.

"Thanks," I said averting my eyes to stare at a couple of kids in the distance.

"You're welcome," he said raising an eyebrow, "no need to look away Casey, someone could see that you're blushing from a mile away." he commented with a hint of laughter in his voice.

Sometimes I really didn't understand this guy.


"So are you gonna finish that, because I'm still hungry."

I turned to Jeremy and found him looking at my mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. His ice cream was no where in sight and I smirked with a knowing look.

"Of course I'm going to finish it," I replied. He frowned, disappointed and leaned back into his chair. We were sitting outside of Molly Moon's Ice Cream Shop basking in the sun.

He raised his eyes to met mine and grinned, "You know sharing is caring," Jeremy said making one last attempt at claiming my ice cream. I shrugged and looked away, shaking my head, glancing around someone caught my eye. I guess I caught their's too since they proceded to lift their hand in a wave and begin shouting my name.

"Casey! Casey Parker!"

Everyone turned in my general direction causing me to blush, I cleared my throat and gave him a wave.

"Oh shit! Jeremy's with you, boy are we gonna have a good time!"

Justin Carter was one riot.

"Should we run?" Jeremy suggested turning to Justin who was making his way to us, making small talk with pretty girls on the way.

"Maybe not," I answered, "that's like running from a tiger, completely pointless."

Justin approached our table and snatched my ice cream cone out of my hand so fast that I didn't even see it coming.

"Justin!" I yelled shoving him which didn't do much since he was like a dinosaur for christ's sake. He chuckled and peered down at me through strands of messy brown hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry, do you want some?" he asked faking sympathy after taking a huge bite, "This is some really good stuff," he commented grinning evilly.

"Oh course it's good!" I exclaimed "I picked it out!"

"Hey, no need to get riled up about it. Is this all you guys do? Sit around and eat ice cream? In this amazing summer? You could be doing so much more bigger and better things."

"Staring at girls at the beach is not bigger and better Justin," Jeremy voiced flatly.

"That is not all I do!"

"Justin I swear you never grow up," Jeremy said shaking his head from across the table .

"Don't hate on this, not cool man," Justin said jokingly smacking Jeremy in the back of the head with his free hand.

I rolled my eyes at Jeremy as he gave the death glare and looked back up at Justin, "Really Justin? Don't you have anywhere else to be?" I asked him as he took another bite of my ice cream. I mean I liked Justin to some extent, we had been friends for years, but he could be a serious pain sometimes.

"Like a party?" he asked with his mouth full.

"No, like a playground where you would hold children at hostage." Jeremy answered.

"Dude, that was one time."

"You need to get your butt kicked."

Justin shot him a look, "What? Are you going try?"

"I would, but hitting girls is against my morals."

Justin responded by laughing out loud, "you're one to talk."

"Guys, guys," I exasperated grabbing Justin's arm to stop him from advacing any closer to Jeremy.

"May I have permission to kick this guy's ass?" Jeremy asked pointing at Justin and glancing at me.

"That would be a no, it's not good to over-estimate your physical capabilities when it comes to taking down people Jeremy." Justin said smirking, "Do you still want your ice cream Casey?" Justin said holding the cone out to me.

"No thanks," I responded eyeing the already half eaten treat.

"Are you sure?" he asked making sure, grinning like he knew something I didn't.

"Yeah," I spoke slowly, frowning.

He then took a long lick and bent down grabbing the back of my head to bring my face up to his. His warm tongue ran across my lips so quick I barely had time to register it. I turned my head away and wiped my mouth with my bare arm in disgust. Ice cream and saliva coated my lips and I was so astounded that I couldn't even make out words. A few people nearby glanced at us with a sense of curiosity I felt a heat rise to my cheeks and ducked my head in embarrassment. From the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of Jeremy's visage which surprised me. His mouth was held in a tight line and he clentched his jaw as he glared at Justin.

"Anyway, who's ready to get wild?" Justin spoke oblivious to the tension that was building.


A/N: Hey you guys so this is just the beginning of my short story and I hope you like it so far. Summer is about to start (for me anyways) and I thought it would be a great idea to write about a summer romance. There is more to come and hopefully I'll be able to update really soon.


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