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Heather's eyes fluttered open as she observed her surroundings. Everything was all white, she grunted as she tried to sit up. She gazed upon the wirings that were connected to her hands. She searched for the beeping sound that came from the heart monitor. It was clear where she is now...

She's in the hospital.

"Why am I here?" she asked as her gaze landed on her sleeping mother. "Mom?" as soon as she said that, her mother woke up and rushed to Heather's side.

"Heather? Are you alright? How are you? Where have you been?" Iranna kept on asking her, obviously worried about her daughter's well being. "I'm alright mother" Heather reassured her mother.

"Where have you been last night?" Iranna's question made Heather confused. "What do you mean last night? I've been gone for a month now, I think" Heather told her mom.

"What? But you left yesterday after we fought and then Ray found you at the Park, you were unconcious and he brought you here" Heather couldn't believe what she was hearing.

So does this mean that everything that happened was a dream? What about Elizabeth? What about her friends? And what about... Peter?

"Mom, this can't be happening" Heather began to cry in her mother's arms as she thought of the things that happened. She couldn't believe that it was just a dream.

"I'm sorry dear, for not being there for you. I want you to know that I love you and if you have any problem, just tell me" Iranna said as she rubbed Heather's back. Then suddenly, Heather remembered about her father's locket.

She took it out from her t-shirt and opened it. "What are you doing?" her mother asked her as to why she was fidgeting with her locket. "I know that it's real and if there's one way to prove it, it would be the thing that brought me there" Heather said.

But even how many times she pressed the button below, nothing happened. "What? Why?" she kept in herself as more tears came. She just couldn't believe that the place she thought was her home is now gone.

Everything that happened to her, everything magical is just a dream and she couldn't do anything but cry until she can forget about the pain that is now forming in her chest.


The World of Elizabeth [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now