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Shayne tried to run as fast as she could while clutching her wounded arm. Cinderella's castle and its' people is in danger, and it's because of her. Tears stung her eyes when she thought of what happened earlier.

"I'm so sorry" she muttered to herself repeatedly. She sighed in relief when she saw Cinderella's palace. She quickly strode into the castle and searched for Cinderella. Luckily, the meeting has not started yet.

She caught sight of a blonde hair in the halls, she grasped her shoulder and smiled. "Cinderella, I've been looking for you" Shayne said, but her smile soon melted and was replaced by a shocked one when she saw who it truly is.

"L-Lianne?" she stammered as she backed away from a smirking Lianne. "I knew you would come here" Lianne said with a menacing voice. "H-How did you know?" Shayne asked.

"I simply asked" Lianne answered bluntly with no signs of emotion. "Did you hurt them?" Shayne asked her, regaining her confidence.

Lianne just examined her nails as if she was bored and looked at Shayne. "I may have killed a few" she said with a shrug, as if it was nothing. Shayne did not hesitate this time, she tackled Lianne on the ground.

"You murderer! Those you have killed were innocent! How could you!" Shayne shouted at her. Lianne just lifted Shayne away from her and threw her agaisnt the ground. "How could I be what?" Lianne spat at Shayne.

"How could you be so evil?" Shayne asked in a soft voice as tears began to trickle down her face. Lianne just laughed at her. "How could I be so evil? This place made me evil and you should know that, you are my best friend and yet you never knew that I was hurt, you never even noticed that I disappeared" Lianne turned her back from Shayne, not because of her normal reasons. But because of the tears glistening in her eyes.

"I'm really sorry" Shayne apologized to Lianne as she lowered her head in shame. "Sorry isn't going to take back everything that I have lost" Lianne retorted at her.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Shayne cried at her. Lianne just laughed at her until a figure came from the shadows. "Shayne?" It was Cinderella. She was surprised to see Lianne.

"Who is she?" Cinderella asked Shayne while pointing her finger at Lianne. Shayne took a deep breath and sighed. "She's Lianne" Lianne just smirked at Cinderella and gave a little curtsy. "I am honoured to meet you, your highness" Lianne said as she emphasized the words honoured.

"L-Lianne? She was the one you warned us about! What is she doing here?" Cinderella snapped at Shayne. "I didn't know she was coming!" Shayne fired back as if Lianne is not there.

"Actually Cindy, can I call you that? Well then, Cindy, Shayne here told me something about a meeting held between the paintings. Now I wonder what that is about" Lianne said while looking up and pretending to be in deep thought until she let out a fake gasp and laughed.

"How about we go to a painting, two exactly, identical ones and there in between, I think, is a secret door where will lead us to the meeting!" Lianne exclaimed with enthusiasm. Cinderella just glared at Shayne, betrayed that she told Lianne.

"I didn't tell her, well, I did but she forced me!" Shayne defended herself. "Even if you're forced, you kept a promise that you wouldn't tell a single soul!" Cinderella scolded her.

"She's right you know, I did force her to tell me" Lianne told her with a serious look on her face. "How did you do that then?" Cinderella asked her while crossing her arms on her chest and tapped her foot.

"Well, because... how do I put this? Ah! It's simply because, let's just say I'm... powerful"

Elizabeth is now out of her cell and she could feel her powers returning, she quickly grasped Kyle's arm and shot her hand towards Mariza. Mariza was sent flying to the wall, leaving her unconcious.

The World of Elizabeth [BOOK 1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن