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It's been a day since Wendy's return and her attitude got worse when the lost boy no longer calls her their mother. She got mad because Heather is now their new mother. "What's wrong with Wendy, Peter?" Nibs asked Peter as he glanced at the sleeping girl.

"Um, she's just tired" Peter answered unsurely. "But when she arrived, she kept on shouting at us because we're not calling her mother anymore" the twins said in unison.

"I don't know either" Peter said as he shook his head. "I think she's jealous" a voice joined the conversation, it was from Heather. "What do you mean?" Peter asked her, confused.

"She's angry at me, when I try to talk to her, she would always glare at me and snort. Then when you guys mentioned that I am your new mother, she freaked out. She's jealous because there's another girl here" Heather explained to them.

"She's right" a girly voice followed, it was from Wendy who is now awake and sitting up as she  kept on glaring at Heather. "Whoa, can you please stop doing that?" Heather asked her.

Wendy just cocked her head slightly and gave an innocent smile. "Stop what?" she asked innocently. "First of all, I'm not an idiot to not notice your hatred towards me, I respect your opinion, but please stop looking at me as if you're going to kill me! I haven't done anything wrong to you.

"And don't you dare play the innocent girl because I know how demonic you are, so stop it. You're not going to fool anyone" Heather ended her sentence with a laugh. Wendy's smile disappeared at Heather's words and snorted.

"And do stop snorting, you sound like a pig" Heather added as Wendy rolled her eyes at Heather, making the silence awkward.

Peter just clapped his hands and smirked at Heather. "Wow Heather, you took out the darling in Wendy" Peter told him. "Thank you ever so much" Heather thanked him as she gave them a bow.

"This is not funny!" Wendy bursted at them. "It is actually, seeing your face right now" Peter answered her with a laugh.

"What happened to you Peter? You used to care so much about me, don't tell me that you've changed because of her" Wendy asked him as she pointed her fingers at Heather who raised both of her hands.

"Don't include me in your fight" Heather told her with a shrug. Wendy snapped her head towards Heather and snarled at her. "It's because of you this fight ever existed" Wendy soon return her attention to Peter.

"Mark my words Peter Pan and Heather... whatever your last name is, I will get my revenge on you and I will make sure that you will be mine Peter and you, Heather will die" Wendy threatened them as she began to climb up to get out of the tree house.

Heather, Peter Pan, and the lost boys just stood there silent for a whole minute until it was broken by the laughter of Heather. "Now that was hilarious!" Heather said between her laugh, she was soon joined by Peter and the lost boys.

Who knew that Wendy's threat would actually be true, but for Peter and Heather, it's not.

Wendy kept on crying as she ran through the dark forest in her night gown. Clearly she had been hurt by the same boy who made her fall head over heels. "How could he?" she fell to her knees as she sobbed harder until she felt a hand touching her shoulder.

She looked up to see a beautiful woman, her golden hair is tied up to a bun but is still shining under the moonlight, her dull grey eyes seems to hold so many emotions but it even made it more captivating, and her vibrant sweet smile, oh no words can ever describe it.

"Dear, why are you so sad?" the woman asked her as she pulled Wendy to stand up. "It's nothing" Wendy said as she wiped her tears away. "It's a boy, isn't it?" the woman asked her. Wendy looked surprised that she guessed it right.

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