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Two days have passed since Snow White was tossed in the same cell as Elizabeth. They were given a proper meal and Mariza even seem to like Snow White because of their hatred in the same person, but she wiped that feeling away. "You know Elizabeth, you could be free right now if only you come with me and promise your loyalty to me" Mariza told Elizabeth as she leaned against the door frame.

"I would never come with you and my loyalty will always remain on their side, not yours" Elizabeth growled at her as she answered her. "Fine, you can starve until you come to your senses" Mariza said with frustration as she turned to leave and locked the cell door.

"No, join them. You can't survive without food" Snow White said as she tried to convince Elizabeth. "My mind is set, if I die, I die, at least my conscience is clean knowing that I never let them over take me" Elizabeth said with confidence, she knew that if she joins them, war would break loose.

"You are a good child Elizabeth" Snow White said with a smile, yet inside, it's as if she was dying at the state of the little girl in front of her. "You should rest Snow White, I don't know if help will come for you but you must be ready and strong when they rescue you" Elizabeth told her.

"Rescue me? Goodness child, I would never abandon you here!" Snow White exclaimed at her. "No, whatever you do, don't try to help me. The chances are thin of you getting out alone, how about me then? My powers are drained and I don't know when it will return but you can still escape" Elizabeth explained to her that she could not come with her.

"You are too young to be in a dungeon, you should be out there playing with other kids not stuck in here" Snow White said as she became teary-eyed. Elizabeth just put her hands on Snow White's shoulders and gave her a reassuring smile. "It's alright, I'm still fine here as long as I know that you are all safe"

Mariza just smirked at what she heard, even though Elizabeth and Snow White saw her leave, she just closed the cell door and listened outside. Now she got the weakness of her key in putting up a blood shedding war.

Snow White and Elizabeth were startled when the cell door was opened, revealing a satisfied Mariza. "Stand up princess" she commanded at Snow White. Snow White hesitantly stood up and did as she told.

"Come here, there's a surprise waiting for you upstairs" Mariza said as she grinned at them once more before turning her back and walked away but glanced back to make sure that Snow White is following.

Elizabeth is alone, again, wondering what Mariza will do to Snow White and what surprise is waiting for the princess, she just hoped that when Snow White will come back, she will still be alive and well.

Brith is arranging the baked goods that her mother has sent her to give to her granny when she heard a rustle outside her house. She just ignored it and went back to arranging the goods.

There was no rustle that came, but a knock. "Who's there?" Brith asked with a sweet voice, thinking that it would just be her friend. No answer came when she asked.

A knock came again, making Brith grab the nearest weapon she could find. "I said, who's there?" Brith asked once more with a bold voice. "Sweetie it's me" the raspy voice made Brith's eyes widen in horror and her heart beats faster than the normal rate.

"Who a-are you?" Brith tried to act casual, she knows who's behind the door but she just hoped that she would be wrong. "Dearie, it's your sweet granny" the voice said with desperation in its voice, making Brith spill tears from her eyes.

"Go away!" she shouted at whoever it is behind the door. "Don't be rude to your own granny" the voice said, acting to be hurt. "You're not my granny, she would never leave the house, she's sick!" Brith shouted as her throat began to dry up and more tears trickled down her face.

The World of Elizabeth [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now