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Wendy twirled the dagger in her hands as she decided to head back to the tree house with a grin on her face. When she arrived at the tree, she took a deep breath and hid the dagger in her night gown.

She pulled out a branch and was soon swallowed by the tree, revealing her to the boys and Heather. She still has the smile on her face. Heather let out a sigh as she spoke. "You're back"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Wendy asked her innocently which caused Heather to roll her eyes and let out a chuckle. "Beats me" with that, Heather turned her back from her and began to climb her way out.

"Where are you going?" Wendy asked her. Heather looked back at Wendy, a confused look on her face as to why Wendy asked her such thing. "None of your business"

"Wait!" Wendy called out to her making Heather stop climbing. "What is it now?" she snapped her head at Wendy, getting impatient at her for holding her back from going out.

At first, Wendy hesitated as she began to fidget the hem of her nightgown. "I want to apologize for being rude at you and I want to start over" she whispered her words but was loud enough for Heather to hear. She couldn't believe what she just heard, but she chose not to question it.

She began to climb down and walked towards Wendy and held out her hand. "Hi I'm Heather Matthews" Wendy took her hand and shook it. "I'm Wendy Darling" Wendy introduced herself. Peter came out from his room and when he saw the two of them shaking their hands, it made Peter think that he is still dreaming.

"This must be a dream" Peter said out loud. The lost boys and the girls looked at him as if he said something stupid, which he did. Heather pulled her hand away from Wendy's hand. "Believe me, I thought too" Heather said with a laugh.

"Why is it so hard to believe?" Wendy asked the both of them. "Because, you really seem to hate me when we both met and it's just unbelievable for you to make ammends but I thought that it would be worth a shot" Heather told her.

Wendy held her anger back for she still has a mission to finish. She let out a fake laugh as she eyed Peter and Heather. "So Heather, I thought that you were going out?" Wendy asked her, trying to cover her faked laugh.

Heather thought of it first until she decided. "Nah, it's already nighttime, better get some sleep, I'll just take a walk tomorrow" Heather said with a shrug as she sat down the chair and called out to the lost boys.

"Time to sleep" the lost boys groaned and let out a complain as they dragged their feet towards their bed. As soon as Heather tucked them in, she bid them good night, making Wendy snarl at the sight before her. Peter returned to his room, but not before he took a last glance at them. 'Something is not right' Peter thought to himself but soon ignored it and went to his room.

The boys soon closed their eyes, drifting off to sleep. Heather turned to Wendy. "Aren't you going to sleep?" Heather asked her. "Alright" Wendy answered as she sat down to a chair next to Heather.

She closed her eyes, trying to look like she is sleeping, Heather soon fell asleep. Wendy thought of this as a chance. She soon took out the dagger from her nightgown and raised her hand to stab her dagger into Heather when a hand caught her arm in the air. She turned around to see the auburn haired-boy: Peter. He spoke with a deep and threatening voice.

"Don't even think about it"

All of the people began to rise up in the air as Lianne held her arms high. Aurora and King Charming was left on the ground, Aurora is still kneeling while King Charming is standing, keeping his legs intact with the ground.

"Why are you doing this?" Aurora cried at. Lianne dropped her arms but all who were raised in the air remained. "You ask why?" Lianne asked with a chuckle. "Yes! Tell us! Because we did nothing to you!" Aurora shouted at her as tears began to form in her eyes.

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