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Lianne had her black cloak cover all of her body, making her blend in the night as she clutched the dagger tightly in her hands. Her breathing is now visible as the snow falls and the temperature drops.

Her grey eyes shone as it hit the moonlight, her anger is still present on her face. Every step she takes, destruction follows and the more the path gets dimmer and crumbles. From the ground to the trees, marking that she was there.

She finally reached the seashore as the wind blew a few strands of her hair. Lianne took a step on the water, but instead of falling, she just remained standing. A smile made its way to her face as she started walking towards Neverland.

Her feet touched the dry land as she found the headquarters of Peter Pan deep in the woods. As she touched the branch of the tree, she disappeared and was brought inside of the house.

The Lost Boys got startled at her sudden appearance but they recovered and was about to attack her when Lianne raised her hands and they were all frozen in place.

"Hello there" she said sweetly at them as her eyes wandered around the room as if searching for something. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Nibs asked her as he tried to escape from her spell.

"I'm looking for someone" Lianne told him as she heard someone trying to shout. "Who was that?" Lianne asked them. When no one answered her, she made her way towards the bedroom and there she saw the captured Wendy.

Lianne snapped her fingers and every rope that binded Wendy is gone and so is her gag. "Are you alright dear?" she asked her sweetly. Wendy nodded as she realized that it was the woman who gave her the dagger.

Wendy stumbled a little as she gave Lianne a hug and there she sobbed. "He never cared, he only  cared about that girl" Wendy cried as Lianne stroked Wendy's face. "It's alright dear, hush now and let us go" Lianne told her as she helped Wendy stand up.

Wendy just wiped her tears as she sniffled. "Where are we going?" Wendy asked Lianne. "We're going to my house where we will meet the others" Lianne said.

"Others?" Wendy asked, confused at who Lianne is referring to. "The villains" as soon as Lianne said those words, Wendy backed away from her with fear plastered on her face. "Don't be afraid Wendy, just join us" Lianne said as she held out her hand for Wendy to accept.

"Join you? I'm not a villain!" Wendy shouted at her with disbelief. Lianne just ignored her attitude as she let out a laugh.

"You? Not a villain? Don't you know that what you've been doing for the last few days is being a villain? Trying to kill that girl and you even came to your senses that you want to kill Peter? Do you call that love? No, you call that revenge, and trust me when I say that revenge is a villain's expertise" Lianne said with a spiteful laugh.

Wendy could no longer say anything but walk towards Lianne as she took her hand, accepting that she is no longer the hero in her story, but a villain that will soon kill Peter Pan.

"Goldilocks, she's not dead" Heather said as she kneeled beside Goldilocks. "How would you know! And you!" Goldilocks said as she pointed her trembling finger at Cinderella. "You have palace guards, hundreds of them, why couldn't a single one guard her?" Goldilocks asked her as tears flowed even more down her face.

"I'm sorry dear" Cinderella could not answer anymore so she just did what she thought would be appropriate but this only enraged Goldilocks even more. "Sorry? How could your sorry bring her back?" Goldilocks looked at them with pure anger as she thought of her best friend.

Heather just embraced her as she rubbed Goldilocks' back, trying to comfort her. "We're going to find her Goldilocks and we're not going to stop until we do" she whispered at her as Goldilocks hugged her back, silently thanking Heather.

The World of Elizabeth [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now