16 : We've Gathered Here Today...

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Sorry it has taken so long. School has been literally kicking my ass. Finals are in a few days >_>

Dedicated to Dramione_97 for making me that awesome banner to the right ;D Thank you so much and for reading this story!

Like the new cover? 

E N J O Y ~

Chapter 16 : We've Gathered Here Today...

Ella's POV.

It's strange how little effort it takes to upset someone. People have to understand that what they say hurts. I never thought I'd be a victim. I never understood because it never happened to me. Now I do and quite frankly, it sucks a lot. 

People around the world, someone much like myself, is going through the same thing. What if the person already felt insecure about them self? All the comments would push them to the edge. People commit suicide over this. Why can't people understand it's wrong to judge someone without even knowing them? No, it's wrong to judge. Stop. It's as simple as that. 

Sighing, I plopped down on my bed and stared up blankly at the ceiling. I was expecting Summer to fly in through the door with her giddy mood, but she didn't. Why would she? I  practically blew her off like it was nothing. I rolled over, now laying on my stomach. Groaning loudly, I realized I was more bored than ever before.

The boys were the highlight of my day for the past week or so. Without them, I felt . . . naked? Wait, no, that's not right. I felt alive when I was with them. But admitting so, didn't mean I was going to crawl back to them! People were saying these things about me because I was with them. If I were to stop, they'd stop. 

Feeling my phone vibrate for the thousandth time today, I removed it from my pocket. I stared at the screen, deciding whether or not to answer. Harry texted me non stop and was now resorting to calling me. Do I answer? No, of course not. What would I tell him? 

Declining the call, I laid the device on the night stand beside my bed. 

"Jesus Christ, Ella! You're killing the boys out there. Harry is just about dead, actually!" Summer yelled, barging into the room, leaving the door open. 

Turning to look at her, I brought my eyebrows together. "I told you I didn't want to see-"

She placed her hand up, signalling me to stop. "Exactly why I came with a few back ups."

Back up? Who is she trying to be? Nick Fury? I swear if Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and who ever else is in that group, walks through that door, I'm getting the hell out. 

"Summer, I don't-"

"I'm not a very good listener, you should know that already." Summer stepped to the side, allowing me to get a clear view of the door. 

She should know I don't like when people continuously break me off mid sentence! That's so annoying. I really should have known better than to think she was actually going to listen to anything I say. There's no use in arguing with her. Sitting up, I leaned my back against the wall as three girls made their way into the room. "Who are they?" I wondered, sounding a bit rude. I flushed, slouching a bit. 

"Ella, meet Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie." Summer said, introducing us. 

I waved weakly at them as Summer went down the line. They were gorgeous and I wondered where  Summer randomly picked them up. Do they go to our school?

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