14 : Ella Strauss vs. The World

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No, really, please don't!

Anyway, dedicated to FanfictionGnome! You're awesome for your comments in one of the previous chapters :')

Sorry for any mistakes lol...

E N J OY ~

Chapter 14 : Ella Strauss vs. The World

"Out of the way!" Harry yelled, plowing his way through us.

It wasn't exactly smart of seven people to try and run into a room all at once. We were all desperate to get in and it was easy to tell by the way we tried making our way through each other. Harry got lucky. That's all. 

"Ow, Louis, you stepped on my damn foot!" Summer shouted.

"I'm sorry, babe. Your foot was in the way."

Now in between Niall and Liam, I swayed my hips in an attempt to move them out of my way. The bed room was beautiful and I wanted dibs on the bed before anyone. Wasn't I allowed to pick? I am a guest after all! The floor isn't meant for me. Makes my butt numb. My butt is too beautiful for that!

The boys threw themselves against the wall opposite each other letting out muffled groans of pain. I scrunched up my face in confusion.

There's no way I pushed them that hard! Shrugging, I found a clearing and strolled my way into the room in victory. The room had a calming setting to it. The area wasn't small, nor big. Cozy, I should say. The walls were painted a light brown, matching the bedding and curtains. Just across from the bed lay a flat screen tv hanging on the wall.

"Did you set it up?" I asked Harry, sitting down on the bed beside him.

The others quickly rushed in, taking a seat on either one of the beds. It was silly of us to force our way through one another. There were two beds. Zayn, Niall, Summer, and Louis sat on the other, while Harry and I had one to ourselves.

"Yeah, I did. Prepare yourselves ladies and gentlemen-"

"Just start the thing!" Louis demanded, breaking Harry off. The two exchanged glances, Louis winking at his band mate.

"I should have thrown the camera out the window when I saw it," Liam groaned, taking a seat on the floor in front of our bed.

Harry chuckled, starting the video that we recorded of his best friend.

The second it started, I had to slap my hand over my mouth. The need to laugh filled every part of my body. Perhaps I knew this was going to be super funny. If we were lucky, it would be 'pee on ourselves' worthy. All except one of us would think it's funny, though. I'm sure we all know who that one person is.

Tossing my thoughts aside, I stared at the television screen intently, watching Liam's every move.

The sunlight from the open curtain hit his face, making his skin look golden. He slept peacefully. Slowly, his eyelids fluttered open. Liam stared blankly at the ceiling before letting out a loud yawn, stretching his arms out above him and shutting his eyes tightly. Sitting up, he looked down at himself and in an instant, he leaped off the couch. Letting out a small scream, Liam quickly brushed the spoons off his body. He ran out of the camera's view and uttered a few incoherent words.

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