"Now will you tell me what's really bothering you?" Lauren raised an eyebrow, rubbing her thumbs over the soft skin of Camila's hands.

"Everything's just going wrong! There's too many problems to fix and I don't know where to start so nothing's getting better. I can't fix it," Camila tried to bury her face in her knees but Lauren stopped her.

"You don't need to be upset about that. Things are going to get better, I promise. Don't let it upset you," She said softly before standing up, tugging on Camila's hands. "Let's go clean up your wrists," She said when she saw her confused expression.

Camila nodded, allowing Lauren to pull her onto her feet and guide her to the ensuite. She was lifted onto the counter and Lauren pulled a first aid kit out of the cabinet.

"You can't fix everything Camila. Some things are beyond your control and they just have to fix themselves. Or you have to have help fixing them. You can't put it all on you," Lauren told her as she used a cotton pad to clean the blood.

"I need help. I need help to fix things. Will you help me?" Camila looked up through long, damp eyelashes and Lauren nodded, smiling at her.

"I'll always help you. No matter what," She dabbed some rubbing alcohol on the scratches and Camila flinched slightly.

"No matter what," She repeated quietly. "I need you. I need you to make me feel okay."

"You don't need me as much as you think Camila. Look at you, you've gone nearly four days without me," Lauren pointed out.

"I can live with out you Lauren, I just don't want to. It sucks when you're not with me," Camila said simply and Lauren met her eyes, moving her hand to squeeze her knee.

"Well, you don't have to. I'm not leaving you again," She assured her.

"You've said that before," Camila reminded her.

"I know. But I mean it, I'm not leaving you," Lauren repeated and Camila found herself believing her. "When I left you, I didn't do it to hurt you. I'd never do anything to intentionally hurt you. But you had said that you wanted to leave and I know you didn't mean it because you keep telling me. But I never at the time and I thought if we had a few days apart, you'd see what it was like if you went home and I wanted you to figure out if that's what you wanted."

Camila furrowed her eyebrows as she absorbed all the information, feeling Lauren's eyes trained on her as she continued to clean her wrists.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you. I never wanted that, I never want you to hurt because of me. And you do because I always fuck up but I'm going to change and be a better girlfriend. I know you have feelings and I do care about them and I... just, yeah. I'm going to be a better girlfriend," Lauren trailed off shyly.

"Okay," Camila nodded once and Lauren tilted her head. She didn't know what reaction to expect but 'okay' definitely wasn't it.

"Okay?" Lauren questioned, tilting her head.

"Okay," Camila repeated. "Like, we're okay. And you're okay and I'm okay."

"Okay," Lauren laughed slightly, copying Camila's words. Well, word. "Do you want me to bandage your wrists up?"

When Camila didn't respond, she looked up at her, only for Camila to lurch forward and join their lips.

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