Chapter 20: Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

Hoping she hadn't made a mistake, Sapphire jumped down through the door and closed the entrance behind her.

"Took you long enough," Amethyst joked.

"Where did Steven go?" Sapphire asked, acknowledging the absence of the boy.

"He had already ran off before I could find him," Pearl said. "We should split up. We have to find him as quickly as possible."

"I agree with Pearl," Peridot nodded. "I've never even heard of this place before and I've studied all of Earth's significant gem sights. Who knows how dangerous this place could be."

The Crystal Gems split up. They seemed to be in a central room as there were multiple hallways that branched from there. Each took a different hallway.

Sapphire walked for a long time before coming across anything of significance. The longer she walked down the empty hallway the more confused she became. How had they never heard of this place? What was this stone?

'The other two want it.'

Sapphire had forgotten Steven had said that. She wondered if she should've investigated that bush after all.

"Well, well, well." An unmistakably familiar voice chuckled from in front of her. "Fancy seeing you here Crystal Gem. You know, I'm starting to wonder if you're stalking me Sapphire."

"Oh please," Sapphire scoffed out of frustration. "Why are you here?"

"I'd ask you the same but I'm going to assume we both have the same answer." Red stepped out of the shadows. She was smiling friendly but something in her eyes had an urgent look to them. She gestured to the open hallway, as if to invite Sapphire to join her. "Shall we?"

Sapphire was suspicious but followed. Red didn't try anything but kept walking at her side.

"So, I have to ask, what's with the change in attitude?"

"What's that suppose to mean?" Red frowned.

"When we first met I would have expected you to have attacked me by now and yet, you seem to enjoy playing the hero lately. Why?"

Red raised an eyebrow, "What, I can't act civil for a change?"

"I just didn't think it was in your programming."

"My..." Red frowned, "My programming." She laughed, bittersweet. "Well, what was I suppose to be like then? If you're such an expert, I mean. What was I programmed to be?"

" were suppose to be a mindless fighter," Sapphire said, although with difficulty, "That Homeworld could use to their own will. Your soul purpose was to become a super soldier that was sent here to shatter us all."

Red nodded. "Not so mindless though am I?"

"Not so super either," Sapphire chuckled.

"What!" Red laughed and took on a cliche tough voice, "I could pummel you right here! With my fists!"

"I'd like to see you try," Sapphire rolled her eyes. She debated with herself before adding, "Its nice to hear you laugh y'know."

"I-" Red involuntarily blushed, "Well, you cant be serious all the time right?"

"That's not a very Homeworld way of thinking," Sapphire raised an eyebrow.

"Then I guess I'm not Homeworld," Red said. The sentence alone, although Sapphire wouldn't know until later, gave Red an idea. She tucked the notion in the back of her head for later consideration and continued to walk in the direction she knew she was suppose to be heading.

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