Chapter Three

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"This unit will be about learning your partner and finding out what they have taught you. This will cost 50% of your grade and you will be presenting at the end of the month. Yes this is a month worthy project and I want you to take it seriously. Here is the outline of the project." She began passing the papers out. I got the paper and saw that we basically had to hang out with a stranger for month and note what you have learned about them each day for the next 30 days. "Okay here are the partners." As she began calling out the names, I took notice of the new kid and saw that this time he was staring at me. I could feel my eyes staring back, not being able to look away. His eyes felt like ice piercing through my body, it didn't make me feel uncomfortable, I actually liked it. I didn't know why... "Ms.Peg" I heard our teacher say and he looked away staring straight again. I turned around and looked at Mrs.Doris. "You'll be working with Mr.Daniels. Now everyone get started." And she walked back to her desk. Everyone began partnering and talking to each other. I turned to Lexi to find that she wasn't paired up with Drew, but with Josh, a rich kid nerd. That was not appetizing. She looked over to me with a disgusted face and mouthed "Help me". I laughed and wished that I could, but I had my own trouble. I looked over to my partner and saw that he  was staring at the paper intently. 
For some reason I couldn't speak, it was like my mouth was glued shut. I could tell that he knew that I was staring at him and slowly turned to face me. He looked me up and down twice and chuckled. I wonder why, was there spinach in my teeth? Did my mouth smell like tuna? He just continued to laugh and shaked his head. I began to get annoyed and was about to say something when he stopped and looked at me again with a smile. "You're all the same, aren't you?" his voice was deep and sly. I gave a confused look and he continued, " Can't live without it and can't live with it." I didn't know what he meant, but I wanted to hear him speak more. But I stopped and forced myself to speak up, "Wh...Wh..What do you mean?" I stuttered. He laughed again and shook his head. "Nothing, Maybe you're different." he said before turning around and looking straight again. For some reason, that line didn't make me scared, it made me intrigued. I wanted to know more and understand everything, but it was too soon. I could tell by the way he looked at the window by the chalkboard. The bell rang and I rushed to put my books in my bag, when something cold touched me on my shoulder. I could tell it was him because of the piercing cold stare I felt from before. I couldn't move to make the hand go away, my whole body was frozen. "Tomorrow. By the fence. At 12. Be there." was all he said before storming out the room. When my body relieved the tension that occurred, I looked up by the door and saw that he was already gone. "Ready to go?" Lexi asked. I took my head away from the door and turned to her. "Yeah?" I said and we headed out to her convertible. We got in and Lexi started driving out onto the road. "So, how's that boy in English today?" she asked me. "Um, he's a bit odd." I said trying not to look at her. "From what I saw, he's a creep." she said in a disgusted tone. "Well it's not like I can change my partner." I said having the thought just occurred to me. "True, but promise that you won't let him get to you." Lexi said holding out her pinky finger. I twisted it with mine and said, "I know." Lexi's phone began to ring and we saw from the car screen it was Drew." She picked it up and for the rest of the car ride Lexi talked to Drew and I kept thinking about what was going to happen when I met Jake tomorrow.

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