Chapter 51: Home Coming (Part 02).

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On Tuesday the entire 10th grade class got together to get started on the float for the Homecoming Parade. Chuck put out a board with a list of ideas for the float to find out what will be on it. There was a box of supplies next to the wagons.

"Alright everyone," Chuck said. "We have a lot of work to do on this float. As Class President, I have decided to write your idea's on a marker board. Every time someone makes an idea, Leslie will write it down. Any questions?" Everyone else just stood silently. "Okay then, let's get started," Chuck said. Forster raised his hand for his idea. "I think if we're going to build a float, we should at least put entertainment," Forster said.


We'll Be Right Back after these short messages. Just don't go to sleep on me.


And Now We're Back. Shhhh.


"What do you have in mind?" Chuck asked. "When I mean't entertainment, I was planning on playing my guitar on the float after it's finished," Forster said. "It could be practice for me before I can get a record deal. Speaking of, who excepted me?" "Sci-Fi Records, but they want to meet you on Sunday," Chuck said.

"I think you should do it," Leslie suggested. "He was very talented in the talent show a few weeks ago." "Fair enough," Chuck said. "Now all we need left is a theme for our float." "I know, Autumn is coming," Ellie said. "So our float should probably symbolize us celebrating the beginning of Autumn." "Another good idea, now we just need to build the float," Chuck said. "Now how can we make our float symbolize our float?" "Well we could cut red, yellow, and orange paper, and cut the cardboard to look like a tree," Ezekiel said. "Brilliant, let's get started," Chuck said.


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