Chapter 45: The Neighbors Daughter.

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The trio headed inside where Mr. Charles's wife poured tea for them. Everyone sat down in furniture fancy enough, that they must have raided rich people to get the items. Even the coffee table was made of diamond brown.

"Well, I think this place is a bit classy, and glassy," Forster said. "Forster show some respect," Gordon demanded. "Neighbors, are neighbors even if their stuff is heavy enough to use. I'm really sorry about my teenage kid, Damien." "Don't get down on yourself," Mr. Charles said. "We have a daughter the same age, who acts the same way." "She's really into insane stuff, that most kids don't always use," Mrs. Charles explained. "A daughter eh?" Forster asked.

"Forster, you're neighbors, and neighbors alone," Gordon explained. "We might not approve of you getting in her pants." "Now, let the child have some freedom," Mr. Charles said. "I'm perfectly fine with my daughter dating her age, and you shouldn't either." "Elliott, get down here," Mrs. Charles yelled. "We have visitors." "Coming mom," Elliott responded. 

The neighbors daughter came out, wearing jean shorts, a t-shirt, thigh high socks, and hoodie vest. Forster was distracted from her looks, he fainted. "What's wrong with him?" Elliott asked. "Explanation: You were wearing an outfit that the general's child found attractive," ASHED answered. "The teenager should be awake after a few minutes." "Who's the robot?" Elliott asked. "That's ASHED, my home security guard," Gordon answered. "ASHED stands for Automatic Security Home Emergency Detector." 

"Neat," Elliott said. "Well is okay if this guy comes with me to my room?" "As long as you don't do anything crazy dear, I will approve," Mr. Charles said. "ASHED, go with them, and watch them while we're talking," Gordon instructed. "Affirmative, General," ASHED said. And the three when upstairs to Elliott's room.


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