Chapter 14: What Is Earth?

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ASHED decided to explain what the area they're in to Kathy, while Forster was busy curing her from the injuries of the crash landing. The crash caused so much damage, Kathy's body was covered with blood, and bruises.

"I'm guessing I have a bright future as a medic," Forster said. "So what is this place?" Kathy asked. "Explanation: This area is known as Space City, the first area to float in Earth's orbit," ASHED answered. "What is Earth?" Kathy asked. "Explanation: Planet Earth is known as the main planet in the Solar System where most life has been enhanced," ASHED answered. 

"How did it enhance?" Kathy asked. "Explanation: Before human beings were formed, plants on Earth grew from molecules in the ocean," ASHED answered. "Most were plants, until the water became contained with micro-organisms. The first step of evolution occurred, as they evolved into fish."

"Jeez I'm getting bored listening to this," Forster said. "What happened next?" Kathy asked. "Explanation: Most of the fish on Earth evolved by walking on land, and evolving into lizards," ASHED answered. "Once they increased their size, they became able to eat either plants or themselves. They became dinosaurs, some were became able to fly, able to swim, or just stayed the same to walk on land." "Wow, there must have been a lot," Kathy said. 

"F*** yeah there were," Forster said. "There were Triceratops's, Brahiosaurus's, Pterosaur's, and hell even Philosoraptors, and T-rex's, plus the powerful Dragonsaur." "Observation: There were also mammal dinosaurs known as sabertooth tigers," ASHED explained. "Most evolved into rodents like rats, and rabbits. However the Jurassic Age had to end, due to the asteroid's arrival on Earth." "What happened to the dinosaurs?" Kathy asked. "Explanation: The dinosaurs died because of they were too cold blooded to survive," ASHED answered. "The rodents however survived, evolving into primates, horses, sea mammals, and others." 

"Tell her how the humans arrived," Forster said. "Explanation: The primates were the only mammals capable of standing up like man," ASHED explained. "During an event called the Ice Age, most of the primates lost their tails, and their fur became clothing, allowing them to evolve into neanderthal's." "That's a scientific name for cavemen," Forster said. 

"Observation: After their backs strengthened up, they became humans capable of creating tools, and technology," ASHED explained. "What happened after that?" Kathy asked. "History happened," Forster answered. "Science happened. If it wasn't for people like Issac Newton discovering gravity, Albert Einstein discovering nuclear weaponry, or Steven Hawking teaching us more about outer space, we wouldn't be as smart as we are now."

"Declaration: The sun is about to set in 4.5 hours," ASHED said."This unit suggest's that you slumber for the rest of the night." "Good idea, I'm pooped," Forster agreed. "Do you think you'll be okay with the injuries?" "I'm sure I'll be okay," Kathy said. "Good,just be sure not to remove the bandages, until your injuries are gone," Forster said. Then after getting on the bed, they went to sleep.


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