Chapter 11: An Encounter.

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Three hours later, after eating dinner with his guardian, Forster went to bed so he could have a relaxing Saturday. However after sleeping until it was midnight, a large sound woke him up at 11:30 P.M.

Forster got out of bed, put on his hoodie, and went outside. General Gordon couldn't hear the sound from earlier, because he was sleeping softly with an invention hooked up to one of the beds that have been invented inside the house. Once Forster opened the door, he found a large cloud line of smoke coming from the back of the house where the back porch was. Before getting help, Forster decided to go after the smoke cloud.

After running around the house, Forster reached where the smoke came from. A three foot long, white spacecraft, with orange, blue, yellow, and gray buttons. After smelling the smoke, Forster realized that the engine inside the spacecraft might have exploded. Forster wondered what kind of weird alien was living in that craft. Forster decided to check it out.

After opening the hatch of the craft, Forster discovered a little girl unconscious holding a large box. Not noticing what's inside, Forster took the girl's body, and rushed back into the house before anyone in the cul-de-sac would find out. The little girl was still breathing, but was to unconscious to notice where they were going. Forster opened the door, and brought the little girl, and her box inside his house, so he could find the first-aid kit, and heal her.


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From Another World. (Wattys2017)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang