Niall sighs at the question , all excitement and embarrassment washed out of his system as past few days sadness – harry's weirdness makes him question, he answers thinking along as to what went wrong "The first week was great , you know couple's bliss and all that but then Harry has been distant with me, is always on that phone of his and he doesn't hold my hand when we're in school. I don't know what is going on. Do you –yo-u guys think –" he says , his throat closing up as his doubts surfaces , maybe he is not stupid to think this. Wasn't that the reason he started hating Harry's guts ? the way he used and threw girls , left and right.

No Niall! You need to believe in Harry. He will NEVER do that to you. Niall's mind screamed at him.

Liam takes Niall's hand smiling at him slightly , reassuringly as he starts"Oh that is not the case , really Niall. He loves you and has eyes only for you . UI have not seen him taking to any other girl , Ally or a boy for that matter , in that way."

"Then what it is ?" Niall mumbles unable to help but ask as he nibble on his nails looking at both the boys in front of him for some answers or advice

"It might be nothing Niall, you might just be looking into nothing."Liam says optimistically , trying to not make Niall sad. He never wants to see his best friend sad, Niall is delicate and needs to be taken care of always. But he doubts his own words as he takes a quick look at Harry who is still very much on the phone.

Now if it was anyone else , a random person , a family or even a friend ,there would be no need for Harry to be all the way to the opposite side of the room. He can very well talk in front of them.

The thought itself makes his heart hurt for his bestfriend .

There might be some possiblity

"Li-" Niall goes to object but is cut of Louis who smiles brightly at him , trying to help his friend in the time of need – a sudden idea , going through his mind.

"You know what we can observe for you , right ? Ofcourse asking Styles directly will not do anyone any good and might just create issues between you too"

"Uh hun" Niall eventually gives in , after all there is no harm in finding.

Right ?

Louis squeezes Niall's hand tightly before letting go as he takes up his empty tray and stands tall in front of them , he loudly exclaims clapping his hands "Soooo we are going to the Halloween shopping anddd we will watch Styles"

And the three of them almost jump out of their skin as a deep raspy voice comes from behind "Did someone call my name ?"


"You know I don't like this love, would much prefer us together , alone, in our apartment" Harry mumbles into Niall's neck , pulling the boy by his waist making the smaller one giggle patting his chest lightly as they trail behind the other boys through the mall.

"Oh c'mon Harry , it is fun"Niall rolls his eyes at his overly cuddly boyfriend a smile still on his lips as he slams some of his bags on Harry's chest making him sigh as they walk into one more store.

"Doesn't look like it by Zayn's face" Harry points to a dull Zayn , sitting on the bench as Louis and Liam fuss over some clothes in the display in front of him. He looks as if he would just pull his hair shouting for Liam to just go home or sleep on that bench any second, its comical.

Niall keeps in his laugh that is ready to bubble and turns to the other two boys excitedly going over shirts after shirts and replies elbowing Harry in his chest "Definitely looks like it by Louis and Liam's faces"

He is about to join them but Harry's words make him take couple steps back and turn to look up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah , they look cute don't they"

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