Bad History (chapter 48)

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  • Dedicated to Shayna Lee

A/N: Okay so it's been a wee bit longer than when I said I would update..heh heh don't kill me...heh heh


Imma dedicate this chapter to my babee BECAUSE IT'S HER BIRTHDAY ON SATURDAY AND I'M SOSOSOSOSOSOOO EXCITED <3 <3333333

Aightt guys here it is: ...

Tabitha POV

Throughout the movie I have been hearing that one angelic laugh. Well, okay, not that one laugh individually. It just stood out to me, and my eyes couldn't be kept off him like a moth being drawn to a flame.

The way he clutches his stomach from how hard he is laughing, the way his face brightens up as you can see his pure happiness, the way his eyes scrunch as you can understand how much he is enjoying this moment and capturing it's preciousness.  Even his laugh, a high pitched laugh despite his usual deep voice, can leave you breathless. It is leaving me breathless, that's for sure.

Another funny scene happens and everyone laughs, his laugh more prominent than all theirs once again. This time he even hand his hand through his hair, his perfect face turning a the lightest shade of pink like a beautiful rose that was kissed with the cool pink.

I tear my eyes away when I realize I have been staring too long. My hand nonchalantly brushes under my chin wiping any access drool that might have slipped while my mouth was hanging open admiring this god. Yes, I am being serious. I actually had to check if I was drooling. I'm honestly surprised I wasn't.

I usually don't develop as everyone refers to it as; a crush. So when I do, I tend to fall hard--fast. That is literally one of the only flaws I have. I fit in with each and every crowd I choose, I have not too thick and not too thin natural stick straight platinum blonde hair, light light brown eyes that girls would die for, and that figure that makes you debate on starving yourself. Although it seems like I have it all, I hate it. I hate how I can hang with any crowd--even though I can doesn't mean I become such great friends with everyone. Example number one, Lindsay and Hailey. They were such jerks, and of course nice Tabitha has to forget and forgive all for their wrong doings…no. Just. No. I'm tired of being so nice all the time! I'm tired of people getting more than they deserve…and I'm TIRED of letting people walk all over me!

Now on to example number two, my hair. I absolutely have a love-hate relationship with my hair. More hate though. What color is my hair even?! My mother has very dark brown hair, almost black even. My father does have black hair. My two sisters...well the older one is one year older than me. She is the definition of gorgeous. I have always secretly been jealous of her, with her job. She never shows. To anything. But I still love her more than anything. She too has blonde hair, but not as platinum as mine. She doesn't like her hair though, she always tried to get the perfect shade of mine. She gave up along the way so she just dyes her hair random colors. My younger sister, being 16 and all she doesn't really have much of an option of dying her hair a different color. She has light light brown hair, like milk chocolate. I adore both of their hair colors, but of course I'm stuck with this weird color!

Example number three, my body type. I hate, hate, hate it. Hate is a strong word..but I feel strongly about this. I hate the death glares I get from jealous girls. I especially hate their rude remarks, "Go eat." and "There is such a thing as food you know," and the worst of all, "You should go get checked out, anorexic.". They say it as if "anorexic" is my name. But it's not just that they call me all these wrong names, it is also that they feel like they aren't good enough. They are. Even though they are so disgusting to me, it is because they are insecure. I don't like the way I know they feel. I even tried to stuff myself with food, but all I end up doing it getting sick. I have done it more than once, and I will do it more than once again if I believe it will actually work another time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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