Pinky Swear (chapter 37)

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Shayna POV

I gulp loudly and see Danielle gripping her arm rest so tightly that her knuckles are starting to turn very white.

"What would that be?" Danielle asks through clentched teeth.

Coach smirks to herself as she says a last name. "Brooks,"

Danielle freezes, still keeping hold of the chair. "She's bacl?" Danielle's face turns red with anger.

"Yep, she'll be in the tournament on Tuesday. Now it's Thursday. You girls have today, Friday until 5PM, Sunday, and Monday to train. You use your time wisely." She says, and with that she waves us off, her own way of dimissing us.

We pull ourselves up from the chairs angrily and walk out the door, slamming it behind us. We walk across the matted floorsd until we are at the front entrance and we see Niall tapping the steering wheel along with a beat.

Danielle and I share a look before taking deep breathes to ccalm ourselves down before accidently snapping at an innocent, unsuspecting Niall.

Then, we step forward.

Niall POV

I spot the girls stomping to the car angrily, but then they stop and look at each other. It looks like they are taking calming breaths, because then they plaster fake smiles and skip the rest of the way to the car, hopping in.

"Hey babe," I give her a kiss on the cheek. "It has been over ten minutes. I was just about to call the cops," I joke.

She laughs a little forced, and I turn sideways to get a good look at her.

She definitely looks different from before she got into the car; her fists weren't as clentched into such a tight fist, her cheeks weren't as red, and she wasn't glaring deadly at random objects, or muttering things to herself. Although, her cheeks were still a bit red for some reason, and she is spacing out instead of glaring at things.

"You alright?" I ask, rubbing her arm.

She nods slightly in answer, but says nothing.

"Yeah, we just need to go home to change into out leotards and come back." Shayna says.

"You want me to drive you back afterwards?" I ask thoughtfully.

"No, it's fine. We can walk. I need to think about stuff anyways." Danielle answers, this time her voice in a little bit of an edge as she says she needs to think about stuff.

I know it isn't directed at me, but it feels like it is and it stings.

I guess Danielle sees my hurt expression because she gently gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry babes, everything is fine. I'll explain everything tonight," She reassures me, and when she sees how I'm still in doubt she adds with a smile, "Pinky swear.", and she holds up her pinky.

I grin at her childness, and hold my pinky out too, and our pinkys twist together. My pinky was so much bigger than hers that mine was practically engulfing her fragile one when we shook out pinkys.

"Alright," I smile, shifting back to drive and pulling out of the parking lot.

Danielle POV

Within the next twenty five minutes, we reached home, Shayna and I cahnged into our leos, put on the same clothing over it, and settled a bag with our bar gloves, a large water bottle, and a super absorbant towel that I need because I sweat way too easily. Shayna says its good because it shows that I have a very regulated system. I say she is lying, she would be complaining if she was the one sweating like a goat all the time!

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