Too Much Trouble (chapter 17)

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  • Dedicated to Shayna Lee

Danielle POV

"Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam. Hey Liam." I say on replay, hopping up and down everytime I said his name.

"WHAT." He shouts at me.

"Hi!" I say and giggle like Stewie.

Liam rolls his eyes.

"Niall!" He calls.

Niall's head pops in the door way. "Sup?" He asks.

"Take THIS." Liam says, pushing my foward to Niall.

A wicked smile flashes across Niall's face. "No problem there," He says, winking at me.

I try my best not to blush but fail, causing Niall's smile to grow even wider.

Liam breathes out in relief as I skip towards Niall and kiss his cheek.

"Finally, the beast has moved on!" I hear Liam mutter under his breath and we both turn to look at him in confusion.

"Huh?" I asked, an innocent look on my face.

"Uhmm, nothing!" Liam says quickly. "Have fun!" He says and runs out of the room.

Niall's face molds from confusion to sexy beast.

"Now that we're all alone..." He trails off, tracing his finger up my arms.

"No." I say simply. I tug down my turtle neck and point angrily to the hickey.

He chuckles to himself and I smack his arm. "It's not funny!"

"What's not funny?" Louis asks walking in.

I snap my turtle neck back into place and I stammer; "S-Superman!" Then I turn to look at Niall in a disapproving look. "You making fun of superman?! That guy is like--a HERO!" I scold Niall.

I turn around to Louis and see his wrath about to be unleashed. "You made fun of SUPERMAN??" I hear an edge in Louis' voice.

I reach up on my tip toes and whisper in Niall's ear, "Good luck...but you had that one coming." I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and drop down onto my feet and quickly get out of there as soon as possible.

I do NOT wanna be there when Louis explodes.

Lord help Niall.

Harry POV

I wipe the towel back and forth across my mess of curls wet from the shower I just took.

I tug on a t shirt over my jeans and ruffle my hands through my hair.

I take a deep breath and take a bag from the mini fridge next to my dresser.

I leave my room and hop down the stairs until I hit the basement.

I go through a maze until I stop in front of Shayna's guest room.

I am about to walk in but I hear voices;

"I just--can't do this anymore." I hear Shayna say weakly.

"You don't have to! He is a jerk!" I hear a familiar voice reply...ZAYN.


"Thanks Zayn, you're the best," And I hear them kissing.

I grind my teeth together and storm away from the door.

They will pay.

Shayna POV

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