Sassy (chapter 6)

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Danielle POV

I finish washing the dishes and wipe the counter tops. I fling the towel into the towel holder and sigh.

Now what?

I hear the TV click off and Niall appears in the doorway.

"You done?" He asks, runnin ghis hand from the back of his hair to the front, and then back again.

"Yeah, just finished." I reply.

"Cool," He says.

A silent moment.

"Do you wanna go find the others?" He suggests.

"Sure," I reply smiling, accepted his outstretched arm and linking my arm with his.

We walk side by side past a bunch of rooms until we hit a large room with three long couches (one red, one blue, and one black), a big flat screen TV, some gaming systems, a fridge, a microwave, and some other stuff.

Shayna is lounging on the black couch with her feet up on Harry, Zayn is chilling on the blue couch next to Liam, and Lpuis has his own red couch, with his legs stretched out covering the cushions so no one can sit.

The Queen's throne.

Niall and I unlink our arms, and walk through the room, and I trip, but he jumps and catches me so I'm in his arms.

"Oh, get a room!" Zayn teases.

They all start staring at me, and Niall quickly brings me up so I'm standing. Everyones eyes drill into me. All their pedo-faces creep me out. I shift my stance. STOP STARING AT ME!

Everyone one is doing the face, except for Harry who is scrolling on his phone, laughing his laugh at something he sees.

My face turns pomegranate for a few moments I'm sure.

"WHAT have you TWO been doing?" Liam asks suggestively.

"Louis..." Niall growls.

"You told them?" I hiss face palming. "I swear, you gossip worse than a school girl."

He pouts. "HEY, NOT TRUE! I gossip AS MUCH as a school girl!" He argues.

I give a him a 'seriously-dude?' look, and he chuckles nervously, shrugging his shoulders weakly. "Oops?"


"I'm sorry, okay?" He whines.

"No! You shouldn't have told them! Why can't you just keep your mouth shut?!" I answer.

"Pwease Dannie? Pweaseee?" He begs with his green/blue eyes.

"No." I say, but he continues to make the face and I feel my confidence start to fall.

"Pwease?" He begs.

I shake my head weakly.


He puts his head down, and then snaps it up looking at me through his wide green eyes. Kind of like Puss in Boots...AND I LOVE PUSS IN LOVE!

"PWEASE?" He implores.

I sigh. "Uch, fine."

"YAY!" He smiles like a child who just got candy...or in his case; carrots.

"Come on Danielle." Shayna says, swinging her feet over Harry and the couch onto the floor and getting up. "Let's go to my room."

We walk to Shayna's room together.

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