The Newspaper (chapter 26)

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The next morning...

Shayna POV

My phone charging under my pillow starts vibrating and I quickly reach for it automatically so it doesn't wake up Styles.

"Hello?" I whisper into the phone.

"SHAYNA PARKER." I hear a very familiar stern tone on the other end of the line.


"Hi Coach Reynolds," I say in a cheery tone, when in reality I wish I could stab her.

It is freaking five in the morning, what could possibly be so damn important?

"I hope I didn't wake you know, because you are already ready to go running outside like you already do in your daily excercise?" I hear Coach Reynolds' voice raise a bit.

I clear my throat and try to sound more awake. "Yeah, of course, just about to leave,"

"Then why are you whispering?" She asks, no doubt one perfectly waxed eyebrow up.

"I'm--My throat hurts from all that shouting at Danielle yesterday, you guys were correct, she is one tough cookie!" I laugh nervously.

Coach makes a noise as if she will take the excuse...for now.

Harry makes a noise and I shh him, lying his head back down on the pillow.

Please G-d, make him forget this when he wakes up.

"I just wanted to let you know the tournament is in two weeks. Come by the gym. The team is back and we are all in heavy training. Danielle and you should stop by," She says casually, but I know the consequences of not listening to her. What she said was obviously a demand, not a suggestion.

There are no suggestions when it comes to Coach Reynolds.

I make a "Mhm," and she goes, "Good. I expect to see you there. Tonight." And hangs up.

Shoot shoot shoot, I need to tell Danielle this.

Danielle POV

"Danielle. Get. Your. BUM OUT OF BED!" Someone whispers loudly in my ear and I turn over ignoring them. "Danielle, I'm NOT joking." A pause. I hear someone smile. "Coach Reynolds called,"

At that my head pops up.

I see Shayna in a position to poke me again, but she crosses her arms triumphly.

"What did she want?" I hiss.

I don't want to wake up a snoozing Niall. But then, nothing really can wake him up besides for food...and kisses. Which, aren't being offered right now.

"We have to go back into training. NOW." Shayna says desperately.


"...The time we usually go running and should have been all this time..." Shayna says and watches as the situtaion clicks into my mind.

"FUCK!" I whisper shout.

Shayna pulls back and looks at me oddly. "What?" I ask questioningly.

She giggles a little. "You said it in an Irish accent like Niall. Hehehehehe!" She giggles.

I hit her arm lightly. "Niall is just…rubbing off on me," I defend myself.

"Yeah…rub off on you…" Shayna says, raises her eyebrows.

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