Guess Who! (chapter 3)

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Danielle POV

The smell of waffles and syrup float through the room, mixing in with a masculine scent.

I groan and open my eyes. OW! My left eye kills! I weakly open my right eye slowly, and lean on my elbows sitting up.

I look around and gasp. I am in a massive dark blue room with an indented corner on the north right side of the bed, with five beanbag chairs aligned in front of a xbox, five controllers, and a MASSIVE TV stuck onto the wall.

To the wall to my right, right of the wall in front of me by the TV, are book shelves, and underneath the shelves are cabinets filled with loads and loads of CDs.

To the right of me is tinted glass doors to a large balcony, I assume. The curtains are held back, letting some sunlight shine onto my side of the room. I shift oddly to look to the left of me through my right eye; I see a desk with a macbook pro on it with a bunch of other stuff too, and a dresser with many, many drawers.

I sit up straight entirely and swing my legs over the left side of the bed and hit my foot, which also happened to be my foot I was a bit sore with because of the beating I delivered to that mugger who had the nerve to challenge my twin sister and I. I beat the crap out of that ass!

"Ow!" I yelp, muttering a curse.

I twist my body oddly again and see I bumped myself with a bedside table that had an Ihome on it with an Ipod in the dock.

I recover, and stand up without putting too much pressure on my left injured foot.

I walk around and notice two dors next to the dresser. I open both; one a massive large walk in closet, which had OTHER closets inside of it, and another a blue themed bathroom.

Wow, this person really loves the color blue.

I close both doors and eye the dresser suspiciously.

I'm not the kind of person to pry through other people's belongings; but then again I am not the type of person to end up in a mysterious, and obviously, a boy's room.

I open up a drawer close to the surface, and see shirts a different drawer showed jeans, and a different drawer showed socks. WELL, talk about dedication for a full drawer of socks!! I open up one more drawer and see something striped. I pull it out curiously, and it turns out to be boxers.

DAMN, this guy has skinny legs!

I, oddly enough, continue to examine the blue striped black and white boxers in interest.

"You enjoying yourself there?" I hear a husky voice say from behind me.

I jump up in surprise, and drop the boxers. I wince as pain shoots up my left leg.

I know that voice.

I turn around hands on hips too see a smirking chestnut curly haired boy with a set of moss green eyes smirking his plump lips at me. He is leaning against the door frame in a white skin tight shirt showing off his muscles, and black not-so-tight-it's-disgusting boxers.

He looks like an angel who got kicked out of heaven for being a bad ass.

(A/N: Sorrrrryyyy! Recently I have been reading a LOT of harry fan fics!...Getting a lil feely here :P)

"Um..n-no." I stutter.

He chuckles to himself.

GOD STOP BEING SO GOD DAMN SEXY! I shout at him in my mind.

His eyes trail up my body from my red pedicured feet to my gray short short PJs,  and then to my semi-tight tank top that ironically matches the shade of his eyes.

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