Fears (chapter 40)

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A/N: GUISE I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPLOADED IN LIKE FOREVER!!! So lemme just catch u guys up... Zayn and Niall were acting all weird because they mentioned Samantha's name and they left to go to sleep and Louis and Liam and Harry stayed but the girls got mad at them because they were ALSO acting weird and they all got into a fight so the girls went downstairs and Louis came down but they were mean and then Harry came down and they were mean and then Liam came down but they got pissed and broke a picture frame a fan made and so Liam got all mad and Louis Liam and Harry were mad at them...okay....run on sentence...DONE.

Haha...BUT OMG I WENT TO THE WAX MUSEUM AND I...STILL....CAN'T...EVEN....They were like so real and I kissed Niall...TEHE

ANYHOOOZ, sorry for rambling my mom is like REEALLLLLYYY pissed at me like SHE HAS NEVER BEEN SO PISSED I DON'T THINK....so if this chapter is a bit sucky it's because I'm distracted...and hiding my laptop. I'm scared if she finds me on it I'M DEAD.


Okay, well here goes...

OHHH...ALMOST FORGOT...Yeah...don't hate me.


Danielle POV


I inhale a sharp breath and try to even my heart beat. 

There are at least two hundred people gathered here today in the gym for the gymnastics tournament. The competition is fierce. The girl before me scored up a 9 on her bars. I have to go over a nine to win. No ties. That isn't an option.

That's why I play to win, not to get even.

I clap my hands together as I lean on my tiptoes a few times. I take another deep breath and hold it as I hear the announcer; "Now folks, I present Danielle Parker, who is said to be Queen of the Bars, on bars!" 

I hear clapping, and I see Niall clapping furiously, along with the other four boys, and my friends on the side. All their faces blended together in the crowd. I release a breath I didn't even realize I was holding, and then I hear a whistling noise. I turn around and see the one and only Samantha smirking, looking perfect as always, arms crossed.

I gulp a bit. She looks...bigger. Older. Mature. In the right places.

She juts out her chin to get my attention and struts over to Niall and the boys, leaning over to them and starts talking.

"Again....I present Danielle Parker!" The announcer says again, regaining my attention and people clap once again, within seconds dissolving into nothing as silence ate the gymnasium.

I have been in competitions my entire life. I have been trained for this. This is what I do. But not once have I ever heard my heart pound so loudly, and my cheeks turn such a shade of red as I hear Niall's laugh cut through the silence, immediately clamping a hand over his mouth, at something Samantha had said.

I clentch my teeth to the extreme that my jaw cracks. I reposition my jaw, and crack it back into place.

I look in front of me to the bars set out and take another deep breath and hold it in and I hop onto the springs and flip onto the lower bar. I turn around with my toes touching the bar, and fly to the higher bar. I spin and few times, and split my legs as I'm on top.

I look around myself quickly, and see the boys eyes popping out of their heads. I forgot they have never seen me perform. With my legs wide open.

Niall clentches his jaw and looks passed the attention whore of Samantha, who is tugging at his arm when she realized the attention wasn't on her for once. He distractedly turns back to her when I continue to spin and, once again I am forced to follow my routine and do the split on top once again.

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