Sparks Fly (chapter 19)

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Shayna POV

"I just--I don't know anymore!" I sob into Eleanor's shoulder.

"It's okay, it's okay," She soothes rubbing my back.

That's the thing I like about Eleanor; she doesn't try to quite me down. She lets me get all my steam through my tears, and she stays along with me the whole time through it.

She pulls me back and puts a strand of hair that was falling onto my face, behind my ear.

"Listen to me; you are beautiful. Everyone, and I mean everyone, we pass all stop and stare. You need to understand that you have these effects on people." Eleanor says, staring into my eyes.

"It's okay to cry…let it all out, let it all out," Shayna soothes.

I continue to sob into her each shoulder.

Eleanor Calder is one of THE most beautiful people EVER.

She is about 5"8, she weighs 120 pounds (she is tiny, i know), has the MOST gorgeous hazel eyes I have EVER seen, hair hair is PERFECTLY wavy to around her belly button, and her eyelashes are long. She has a major thigh gap, her stomach is SUPER flat, her face is perfectly structured (kind of like Zayn's), and her boobs and bum are small…but she is SO freaking skinny so I guess it is one or the other. Did I forget to mention she is a model?

So, Eleanor complimenting ME, that should be an honor.

"So babe, what are you going to do about Harry?" She asks, rubbing my back.

After she came over to me, I ran and hugged her, instantly collapsing into her arms. I told her everything, I mean everything that happened at their house, when I came back to my house, all up until the car ride.

I wipe my eyes with the back of my hands and sniffle. Eleanor offers me a tissue, and I accept it, blowing my nose.

She ALWAYS is prepared for anything that could happen. She has tissues, purell, her calendar scheduler, her iPhone charger, her iPod, gatorade, and many other stuff in there too. Sometimes it also makes me wonder of she is a magician too for fitting all that into her pocketbook.

Which would TOTALLY make sense, considering SHE IS PERFECT. Like, I'm pretty sure that there was no more room in heaven for her, so they sent her down to Earth.

I told Eleanor everything that happened with Harry, but I left out what happened just now at the park with Zayn. And how they both got into a fist fight. Over me.

"Ummm…." I squirm uncomfortably.

She gasps and lightly smacks my arm.

"You're leaving something out!" She says.

"Not really…" I say.

"Tell me!" She demands.

I sigh. "Well, I didn't tell you what happened on the swings…" I start.

"Yeah, you only told me what happened in the car and how you jumped out. I assumed you just called me then," She shrugs.

"That isn't ENTIRELY what happened though,"

"WHAT happened then?" She asks, eyebrows raised.

I sigh defeated. "I went straight to the swings, and Zayn joined me shortly afterwards." She waggles her eyebrows suggestively, and I smack her arm….and not lightly either. "Stop! So Zayn and I were goofing off, and Harry just came over and started being rude and sarcastic, basically implying that Zayn and I did STUFF." I shiver. I like Zayn and all, but I think he would, probably….break me. Eleanor smiles wickedly, probably thinking the same thing.

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