The Beach (chapter 31)

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Shayna POV

"Shayna," Eleanor starts to me but I roll her eyes.

Then Danielle break the awkward tensed silence. "ELEANOR! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU I SUCH A LONG TIME!" She exclaims.

"Yeah, hi Dan!" Eleanor puts a wide smile on her face, giving Danielle a huge hug.

"How have you been?" Danielle asks her curiously.

"Good, good." She smiles. "You?"

Danielle links arms with Niall.

"Oooh, I see," She winks at Danielle.

"What are you doing here babe?" Danielle asks her.

She links arms with Louis.

"OMG! I'm so happy for you two!" Danielle cheers, and looks at me expecting the same reaction. When she gets nothing she frowns. She gives me a look that asks what's wrong, and she gives me her disapproving look. "Um…is there a lil…problem going on here?" Danielle asks.

"Um, no," El lies and Danielle can see right through it because they know each other well. But Danielle let's it go.

"Alright, up for some soccer now babe?" Harry asks, linking his arms with mine, so now al the boys arms are linked with the girls.

"Actually," Danielle answers for me. "I think we should workout first, so we aren't too tired." Danielle explains.

"Yeah, you're right." I agree.

Louis breaks apart from the group with Eleanor and I thank god because I don't know how much longer I was able to be in both of their presences together with gagging. Harry sets up a beach chair and sits down, as does Niall.

"Sunscreen babe?" Niall asks Danielle, after pouring practical the whole bottle of sunscreen onto his sensitive Irish skin.

Danielle shakes her head and he playfully sighs. "OH COME ON!" He teases. She giggles as she shakes her head no again. Niall walks up behind her and gives her a hug, rubbing her back.

She leans away with narrowed eyes. "Did you just rub sunscreen on me?"

Niall shakes his head innocently. "No…"

She sticks her tongue out at him and outstretches her hand. "Just gimme the bottle," She admits defeat.

"No." He pouts. "I want to put it on you though,"

Her face reddens at how wrong that sounds.

"I don't think that is necessary," She begins.

"Well,,,I DO." He says and squirts some sun lotion into his palm, rubbing his hands together and rubbing it onto her back.

I feel something cold hit my back and I jump.

"Relax, relax," Harry chuckles into my ear. "It's only lotion, it won't kill you!"

I relax a bit, as he finishes rubbing it on my back, legs, and face. I put it on my chest, neck, and stomach.

As Harry is done he leans in for a kiss, but I get pulled away by a smirking Danielle.

"We have to practice!" She "explains" with an evil smirk.

I roll my eyes as we head on to a bit farther, closer up to shore.

"Can we help?" Harry asks, "helpfully".

I'm sure he would like to help!

"Nahh, I think we're good," I wink at him.

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