The Lost One- Chapter Five

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Alrighty then,

chapter five, por vous. (what does that mean?)

i need two books for summer reading and i have no idea what kind of book i want.

i was thinking evangeline by henry wadsworth longfellow(though its actually a poem) or something by henry james.

Oh and we are back to Evangeline on this one.

-zoë ariana

p.s. have any of you read the Iron King by Julie Kagawa? I really liked it, personally.


It's amazing what an hour's jog from imminent danger can do for you. Instead of totally terrified, I felt completely at ease and at peace as I opened the door to Café and stepped inside its warmth.

Café was one of those coffee shops that tried to be snooty, but failed miserably. You know the ones that played 'soulful' music and lit incense so strong your eyes watered, but for some reason they just failed epically in trying to capture that 'chill' vibe other seriously snobby coffee shops had. It could be the sign, which was disgustingly hilarious.

That sign though made my heart leap as I thought of my new freedom; it stretched out before me like a buffet in front of an obese woman. As I looked around the café in search of Carter, my eyes lighted on a boy sitting on one of the bar stools at the counter. His presence was like a blaring horn, determined to not be ignored. I studied him as he sat listening to the incessant banter that was Jocelyn McCaurter. Typical, I mentally snorted; of course he would be talking to her. He was good looking-with his dark brown eyes, darker brown hair and the nose of a Greek god- and he had a male organ, Jocelyn must be in heaven.

I looked at him carefully my head tilting involuntarily as a strange wave of familiarity washed over me. Strange because, I don't think I had ever seen him before. But I had to have seen him right? Maybe he went to my school, it was big, and I knew very few people there even though I had gone to the same school with the same people my entire life.

I had half a mind to go up and ask him when a familiar voice called out my name. My head snapped around and I felt my confused frown change into an elated grin as I spotted Carter in a corner booth.

"Carter!" I exclaimed happily, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug with so much enthusiasm it startled him.

"How are you?" I asked pulling back to look at his slightly red face.

"I'm great," he said a cocky smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

I rolled my eyes at him and slid into the booth across from him.

"Carter, I have a...proposition for you," I said slowly taking a sip of my already ordered hot chocolate and shivering as the heat trickled down my throat.

"What kind of proposition?" he looked at me with some unreadable emotion dancing in his eyes.

"I kind of need a place to stay..." I trailed off feeling a tad bit embarrassed.

He seemed to really look at me for the first time, his eyes lighting on the duffle bag I forgot I was carrying and understanding took the surprise off his face.

"Yeah, sure of course," he said quickly and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"Carter, I could kiss you right now," I said laughing. I hadn't realized how scared I had been that he would say no.

"Ooh, please do Miss Evangeline," he said in a fake French accent, "I could show you where you are to kiss, yes?"

I gave an affronted gasp. "Now you keep that kind of talk to yourself, sir, I am a lady and you will treat me as such," I replied in a fake southern belle accent.

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