The Lost One- Chapter Four

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Hey there!

This is important, like seriously.

This chapter is NOT in Evangeline's POV.

I don't want anyone confused over this chapter so I'm just clearing it up now. (

Happy reading.


p.s. I'm thinking of changing the title, I've had like three of my friends call it 'gay'. So... any ideas?


I watched, mesmerized, as the long, platinum blonde hair swung wildly, bouncing this way and that as the girl jogged, totally unaware of not only my staring, but also completely oblivious to the fact that I had been trailing the her for nearly a week now.

You are such a stalker, I thought to myself.

It didn't matter though, I wasn't stalking her for pleasure or leisure; it was for her own safety. Women were not safe around me, not because I'm a total player, but because literally any woman I appeared to have even the slightest interest in were in immediate, mortal danger.

To be honest though, I was totally bored. Nothing was happening, at all, nothing had come after this one, her name was Jocelyn, I believed. It was odd and rather disconcerting that my ass of a brother hadn't acted yet and with the impending deadline, I was antsy, tensed always for a visit from him. I was also starting to believe that she wasn't even the one for two reasons: one, she was irritating as HELL! Two, my brother, Victor, hadn't made any move to harm her.

Jocelyn stopped running and turned off her iPod. Flipping her hair over her slender shoulder, she walked into a coffee shop named, Café, the sign above the door was a man coughing out an E. Huh, that's kind of disgusting, I thought to myself, studying the strange sign before making my way towards the door. Maybe now's the time to introduce myself?

I pushed open the door and sat myself beside her on a stool. This was always the hard part, looking at them in the face, because they all looked like her. My Amelia. At the thought of her, my throat automatically contracted, but surprisingly I didn't feel like crawling into a corner and disappearing. Actually apart from a twinge of sadness and regret, I felt oddly excited. My entire body was thrumming with electricity, and I had the urge to jump, run, skip, dance, and sing all at the same time.

"Hello," I said to Jocelyn, smiling slightly and turning to look at her forehead. I just wasn't ready to look at her eyes yet.

"Hi," she said confidently, as though she was used to men talking to her randomly, and judging by the amount of guys she went through in the past week- six? Seven? I don't know I lost count- I guess it wasn't too surprising for her to not be surprised when another guy talked to her.

"I'm Demetrius," Finally, I brought my eyes down to hers. They were a dull purple, edging more toward black than anything. I guess, if I were unbiased I would have thought them beautiful.

She just smiled and nodded.

"Umm, this is the part where you tell me your name," I whispered as though this was some big secret.

"No, I think I'll make you work for it," she said dropping her voice down an octave and taking on a husky tone in an effort to be sexy as her eyes roamed my body suggestively.

I grimaced on the inside, sure she was beautiful, but it was more of a plastic beauty. I gave a crooked smile and watched in detached amusement as her breathing spiked and her eyes filled with heat, making the dull eyes spark.

"Hmm, and how exactly, will I be working for it?" I asked, my voice taking on a suggestive tone.

She pulled herself together, and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Oh you'll see."


She was driving me crazy, and not in the good way. She was so annoying. If I had to listen to that nasally voice of hers one more time...somebody was going down. I sipped at my coffee, glad to have something else to do than pretending to be interested in what new Jimmy Choo was out.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end all of a sudden, and the excitement I had been filling earlier tripled in intensity. Unconsciously, I turned my head toward the door, in time to see a girl, around seventeen with long raven black hair and a delicate heart-shaped face, walk through the door. I scanned her from head to toe, noting the ragged clothes she had on that were much too thin for the October air. As if sensing that she was being watched her wide eyes scanned the café, stopping at me and without thinking about it I swallowed heavily. She tilted her head as she studied me, a puzzled expression on her face. Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked about ready to walk over to me when someone called her name.

"Evangeline! Over here!" A raspy voice sounded, causing the girl- Evangeline? - to snap her head around and look to whomever had called her. Her full mouth tilted up at the corners and her whole face lit up in what seemed like relief. I wish I was the one making her smile, I thought suddenly. I shook my head dispelling the insane thought and reluctantly turned my head back to Jocelyn, who was looking at the girl with distaste.

The way she looked at the girl made me want to hurt her. Which was absolutely crazy, right?

"Carter!" an equally raspy voice exclaimed. I knew instinctively it was the girl and I shivered. Her voice! It was beautiful and sexy and alluring all at the same time. I found myself wanting to hear her say my name. I found myself wanting a lot of things, none of them very appropriate...


'Tis all for now.

Hoped you liked it.

I'll be updating later on today as well, but I'm trying to lay low cause my mum's pretty pissed that I didn't go to church today (groans internally). EW. Church.

Anyway, comments? Votes? Doesn't matter, as long as you're reading. ( :

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