Chapter 18

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W: your still coming over right

D: yeah

W: I need you to bring air freshener

D: okay I got you

W: dang it auto correct

W: I meant fire extinguisher

W: please hurry

D: gosh darn it Wally why

W: hey

*2 Hours Later*

D: hey what's up

W: if I wanted to talk two hours later, I would have texted two hours later
D: so It was a mistake

D: literally it can happen to anyone

W: but you can't make the same mistake like 30 times

D: that's an exaggeration

W: I'm having a flashback right now if you couldn't tell, but if this were a tv show you could totally see it

D: dang

W: I'm literally in so much trouble right now

W: what do I do 

D: why should I care?

D: not my division 

W: did you just?



W: so me and Aunt iris are driving right, and we pass by a neighborhood

W: and you know how neighborhoods sometimes have those weird signs where you put in letters so the say stuff like some fast food places and schools

D: yeah

W: well this neighborhood sign said: Carpe THE HECK OUT OF THIS Diem


W: not only that but a couple weeks before, it said: school starts July 31, resistance is futile


These two things are not a joke. A neighborhood I live near had these on their signs, and my sister and I couldn't stop laughing. It's like the person in charge of changing the sign turned to their high school kid and was like 'go put something on it' 'but what?' 'I don't care anything' 'okie'



W: im not a nerd you are, and what?

D: its a math joke I heard in class today

W: tell me

D: Person 1: 'If only there was a formula for making friends'

D: Person 2: 'there is, its called the squadratic formula'

W: lol perfect

W: but on a serious note, where are the teachers at Gotham Academy literally

My friends leans over during class just to tell me this, and me and this other guy who overheard lost it!


W: visiting a friend from school and we're in his bedroom right, so his little sister comes running in, tosses open his SECOND FLOOR window, and attempts to jump out of it

W: my friend pulled her back before she fell and she is hiding in his closet, she looks terrified

W: BRO my friends older sister was playing tag with his younger sister, and she literally was willing to jump out of a window just so she wouldn't be 'it'

D: thats determination

Not mine, my friend showed me this off of Tumblr, so yup, (though I changed some points around)


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