They Accidentally Fall Asleep (Mini-Series) [Wonwoo]

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You and the boys pile into the bus. Seventeen were headed to an interview but it was a little out of town and so a 2 hour bus journey was needed. Being a close friend of the guys, you had been invited along for moral support and of course you wouldn't say no!

As you step onto the bus last, you see how all the boys have avoided sitting next to Wonwoo... and you knew exactly why.
There were 14 seats on the bus - only just enough for you and the boys - and everyone (except Wonwoo) knew about your crush on him.
They'd done this purposely so you'd have to sit next to him.

As you make your way to the only remaining seat that's conveniently next to Wonwoo, you lock eye contact with Mingyu who gives you a knowing wink. Seungkwan next to him also sends you a suggestive raise of the eyebrows. You roll your eyes at them and sit down.
You send a shy smile Wonwoo's way which he returns, but then you take a deep interest in your own lap.
Wonwoo stares out of the window. The bus begins to move and silence becomes a prime passenger for the rest of the journey.

The boys around you are laughing and joking around, too consumed by their own jokes and conversations to notice how uncomfortable you and Wonwoo had became.
Between you and Wonwoo, not a single word is uttered. You start to feel really awkward as you attempt to think of any conversation starters at all, but fail. You begin to wonder if he feels just as awkward and wonder why he isn't talking to you.

You pluck up the courage to look his way, and when you do you realise he's actually fallen asleep!
Here you were, wondering if he was ignoring you or didn't want to talk to you, when in reality he'd just dozed off!
You chuckle at this and take a moment to look over the soft sleeping features of his face. Deciding it probably was a little creepy to keep watching him sleep, you pull out your phone to distract yourself.

You become lost in what you are doing on your phone and roughly 20 minutes pass. You're feeling much more comfortable and keep sneaking little peeks at Wonwoo. You're absorbed in a fanfic when you feel a weight on your shoulder. You quickly look over to see Wonwoo's sleeping face close to yours as he rest his head on your shoulder.
You tense up.
Wonwoo was sleeping on you.
Your crush, Wonwoo, was asleep on your shoulder.
On. You.
Your brain rushes to process this information but you can't seem to calm your speeding pulse.

His hair tickles the side of your neck and you hold back a shiver. After all, you didn't want to wake him.
He doesn't seem to realise he's moved and stays soundly asleep.
You eventually manage to steady your erratic heart rate and begin to relax a little. You bask in the warmth and closeness of him against you. You become aware of how his muscular arm presses against yours. The way his soft cheek is pressed against your shoulder and how his silky hair flops into the side of your face and neck.
You had decided to let him stay there. He was clearly tired so you didn't want to wake him. Maybe he'd move back over to rest against the window before he woke up and he'd never know he'd used you as a pillow.

Dino had other ideas. Him and Hoshi were sitting in the seats behind you and were the first to notice the situation that you were in. Dino did not feel like keeping this information to himself.
"Look at how close Wonwoo and (y/n) are! I bet they're already dating and just didn't tell us!" Dino shouts loudly.
All the boys look over and begin cat-calling and shouting over at you. Your cheeks flush red.
The chaos Dino caused was enough to wake Wonwoo up.
He slowly raises his head from your shoulder, a confused look on his face as he locks eye contact with you.
Sudden realisation hits and he bolts upright. His cheeks and ears burn bright red and he refuses to make eye contact with you.
The boys all laugh and taunt you as you both sit there blushing.
"How long have you guys been dating?" You hear Vernon call over to you.
"You must be pretty close to be used to sleeping with each other!" DK says.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jeonghan asks, sounding upset.

You stare at the floor, worried as to what Wonwoo must be thinking.
"Guys, leave them alone! They're clearly embarrassed." You hear Seungcheol's voice of reason attempt to calm the boys.
The noise subsides after hearing this, but their excited chatter can still be heard buzzing around the bus.

"I'm sorry."
You cast your gaze up to Wonwoo, not even sure if he'd spoken or not.
"They overreact." He clarifies.
"Oh." You reply, frowning. Maybe you had been over reacting too then. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal that he'd fallen asleep on you. He also didn't seem like he agreed much with the boys' taunts. He clearly mustn't feel the same way about you.

He notices your sad expression and rushes to clarify.
"Not that you don't make a great pillow!" He then seems to pull a face at what he said, like that wasn't what he was trying to say. "I mean, not that you're only good for being a pillow! I'm sure you'd be a great girlfriend! Any guy would be lucky to have you, you're gorgeous and so thoughtful! I know I sure wouldn't mind calling you mine!" He blabbers all this out in one breath and then seems to recoil into himself when his brain processes what he just said.
You look at him in shock. You'd never seen him react in that way, he was usually so laid back. You're also not even sure if you're able to trust your own ears. He surely didn't just say that did he? Was that a confession?

He makes a  nervous noise and runs a hand over the back of his neck.
"You would want to date me?" You speak, your voice barely above a whisper.
He looks up to you frantically, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.
"Well, um.. I mean.. yeah I would, but I understand if you don't-"
He stops speaking when he sees you smiling brightly.
"I like you too, Wonwoo." You speak.
He returns your smile.
"Really? Wow." He says in disbelief. After a moment he speaks again.
"That is not how I planned to confess to you."
"It was perfect." You reassure him.
He takes your hand in his and intertwines your fingers together, a delicate smile tugging at his lips.

"THAT WAS SO CUTE!" You hear Seungkwan squeal from the back of the bus.
Both you and Wonwoo spin around to see all the boys watching you intently. You were too occupied with Wonwoo to realise the bus had fallen silent moments ago and the full group had heard everything.
"You finally did it." You see Seungcheol smirk at Wonwoo before all the boys begin an uproar of teasing, cooing and innuendos aimed at you and your new boyfriend.
Wonwoo just rolls his eyes at them and sends a bashful smile your way.

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