They Accidentally Fall Asleep (Mini-Series) [Jeonghan]

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A/N - I'm setting this fic back when Jeonghan had his majestic long hair because I miss it! (Even though he still looks hella good with his shorter hair)


"It's my turn to pick the movie!" You hear Vernon shout as he runs into the living area.
You follow him in, carrying two bowls of popcorn - one sweet, one salted.
You place one bowl on the coffee table and put the other on your lap as you drop onto the sofa.
Movie nights became a must when the boys had a free night and, being a close friend of the group, you were always invited to join.

As Vernon and Minghao argued over which movie to watch, Jeonghan slipped into the room and plopped down beside you.
"Ooh, popcorn." He smiles, grabbing a handful from the bowl perched on your lap.
You tense up a little. Truth be told, you have a little bit of a crush on the long-haired angel. Okay, a big crush.
His full left side is pressed against your right due to how close you guys are sitting together. You can feel the soft, warm fabric of his sweatshirt against the bare skin of your arm and you fidget a little.
"It's Vernon's choice, we have to go with what he wants." Jeonghan speaks, his soft voice sending a shiver up your spine.
Vernon looks at Minghao triumphantly and puts the DVD in the player.

The movie begins and the room falls silent. It seems to be some kind of slasher flick, but all you can focus on is Jeonghan's body heat against yours and how his slender fingers occasionally reach over to you to grab a few bits of popcorn.
You force yourself to concentrate on the characters moving around on the screen but your eyes always trail back to Jeonghan.
Luckily, the room is dark and Jeonghan seems too interested in the movie to notice your frequent glances his way.

A character screams and your attention is turned to the screen, the scene unfolds and you finally start to enjoy the film.

With the popcorn bowl nearly empty, you place it on the coffee table next to the other and Jeonghan intently watches your every move. As you sit back down, you lock eye contact with him. He throws you a quick smile that you see clearly even in the dark before he returns to watching the TV.
You feel your pulse quicken and a hot flush hits your cheeks. It takes another good few minutes to pull your gaze away from his perfect features, but nevertheless, you manage to cast your focus back to the screen.
Once again, you get enthralled in the movie - no matter how gruesome it is.


The movie has a lull of exciting death scenes and instead focuses on some plot storylines. You begin to think it's getting a little boring when you feel a weight land on your right shoulder. At any other point in the movie it may have frightened you, but luckily the scenes currently playing weren't scary ones!

You look over to see Jeonghan fast asleep as he leans on you. His silky hair falls over his face and down your shoulder.
You glance around the room to see if anybody had noticed. Luckily, they hadn't.
You look back to the angel on your shoulder (literally).
You take in his ethereal complexion and soft dark eyelashes. You can also feel his light breathing across the skin of your collarbone. Butterflies erupt into your stomach as you think about how close to you he is, and how strangely intimate this feels.

Jeonghan's eyes shoot open at Dino's shouting and he sits up quickly. He lets out a yawn before glancing over at you.
When he realises that it's you who he had fallen asleep on and not one of the boys, his eyes widen. He gives you a sheepish smile and then goes back to watching the movie, occasionally looking over at you from the corner of his eye.
You quickly focus on the TV screen, feeling a little awkward, as you try to distract yourself. You're not aware of how Jeonghan keeps peeking over at you, much like you had been doing to him just an hour previous.


The end credits roll as the boys filter out of the room, discussing plot holes and their favourite scenes. You also get up, ready to head to bed, when you feel a hand on your wrist.
You turn to see Jeonghan standing behind you.
He looks around the room and since no one is paying attention, he speaks.
"I'm sorry about falling asleep on you."
"It's no problem." You reply, feeling a little shy.
He pulls you closer to him with the hand that's still circled around your wrist and brings his mouth up to your ear.
"But if I could be that close to you without anyone noticing, it made me wonder what else we could do during movie nights." His voice is a low rumble as his hot breath dances across your earlobe.
Your cheeks glow red as he pulls away from you. He flashes you a smirk before turning his attention to something behind you.
"Oh, Seungcheol, wait up!" He speaks, walking past you, leaving you completely flustered and shocked.
Guess he's not so much of an innocent angel after all.

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