They Accidentally Fall Asleep (Mini-Series) [Hoshi]

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The boys had just gotten back to the dorm after a long day of practice.
"I'm soooo tired!" Vernon whines as he heads to the fridge for a drink.
"That's 'cause Hoshi works us so hard." Coups jokes.
Hoshi rolls his eyes before flopping onto the sofa next to you.
You and Hoshi had been close friends for years. You were practically inseparable.
"Y/n, tell the boys how great I am at what I do, and how I only work them so hard because I want them to look perfect on stage." He complains, lying down on the sofa and placing his head in your lap. He's clearly exhausted.
He looks up to you with pleading eyes and you chuckle.
"You hear that, boys? Hoshi just wants you all to look good on stage." You shout out. "And boy, do those dances look good." You add quietly.

Hoshi hears you and raises an eyebrow.
You smile innocently down at him and he just laughs.
The room falls silent as the boys all head to either their rooms, the kitchen or the bathroom, leaving only you and Soonyoung in the living area.
It wasn't usual for him to be this close to you, and he certainly had never rested his head in your lap before. He probably didn't even realise what he was doing himself; he was so exhausted.
Although you feel a little nervous at the situation, his presence always makes you feel comfortable.
You subconsciously begin to run your fingers through his hair, and he closes his eyes.

You realise what you're doing and your hand halts momentarily.
"Don't stop." Hoshi mumbles, on the verge of sleep.
You give a little smile and continue to twirl your fingers in the soft strands of his blonde hair.
Before long, Soonyoung's breathing evens out and you realise he's asleep.

You take the opportunity to look over his soft features. An unusual feeling flits around in your stomach.
Although you and Hoshi had been friends since forever, recently you've been thinking of him a little differently. You see how hard he works all the time and yet he still finds opportunities to spend time with you. Of course there had been slight flirtatious moments between the pair of you, whether it was lingering touches or prolonged eye contact.
So now, as you sit looking down upon his serene face you come to one simple realisation: you're in love with your best friend.

You don't have much time to think about this sudden enlightenment as the boys all come barreling into the living area.
"I can't wait for this episode!" You hear Wonwoo say.
"It's supposed to be a great one!" Dino adds.
"I can't believe the season finale is next week!" Seungcheol whines.

Uh oh. You forgot that tonight was the night that that weekly show the boys all love was on. Some boys falter when they see Hoshi sleeping on you, others don't notice. You give an awkward smile at those who give you a questioning look.
"So... what? Are you guys finally dating?" Jeonghan asks. You blush and shake your head.
"Damn, I thought Hoshi decided to man up." Minghao smirks.

"Hoshi, FIGHTING!" Dino shouts, causing Soonyoung's eyes to fly open.
"Fighting!" He shouts back. He takes a moment to take in his surroundings, his head still on your lap. Eventually, he realises that he had fallen asleep on you.
He gazes up at you and a faint blush dusts his cheeks. Then he seems to realise that all of the boys are staring at the pair of you. He quickly sits up.

"You guys looked like a real couple there." Jun winks at Hoshi, setting poor Soonyoung's cheeks into a deeper shade of red.
"We-we're just friends." Hoshi tries to clarify.
Your heart sinks.
"Doesn't mean you can't like each other. Go on a date, see what happens." Jun replies, nonchalantly, as he shifts his gaze over to the TV.
"(Y/n) wouldn't want to go on a date with me!" Hoshi lets out a forced laugh as he tries to defend you.
"Don't be so sure." You mumble, but Hoshi hears you. He looks over to you with a shocked expression. He looks exactly like a baby deer caught in the headlights and you send him a small smile, feeling nervous yourself that he heard your confession.

"It's starting!" Vernon says, turning the tv volume up.
The room falls silent as the boys become engrossed in the show. You and Hoshi, however, sit side by side, uninterested in the tv, instead you're caught up in your own thoughts. You worry that he doesn't feel the same way about you and wonder what this'll mean for your friendship.
The episode goes by in what feels like a blink of an eye and soon the boys are all chatting excitedly as they recap the events of the show. Hoshi had sat in silence since your small confession and so you decide to try to slip out of the room when the boys seemed occupied.
However, Hoshi notices you get up.
He, too, gets up and just as the pair of you enter the privacy of the passageway, he gently takes your wrist in his hand to stop you.
You turn to face him, a bashful smile appears on his face.
"So.. about that date?"

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