Sympathy [Hoshi - Fluff]

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"I thought this was it, y/n. I thought she was the one."
You give Soonyoung a sympathetic look as he slumps down onto your sofa.

You had been in the middle of cleaning your apartment when you'd received a call from your best friend. He sounded upset as he asked if he could come over, giving a brief explanation of how another girl had turned him down. Of course, you'd told him to get over here as soon as possible but now that he was here, you didn't quite know what to say to make things better.

You unwrapped your apron from around your waist and discarded it on the coffee table as you sat next to him on the sofa.
"What happened?" You ask.
Things hadn't been going too well for him lately when it came to females. Every girl he took out on dates never wanted to pursue anything further, most of them just wanted to say they'd been on a date with an idol. The latest girl, Cara, had been on the scene for about 2 months now. Hoshi had spoken of her fondly and seemed to be really into her, and yet, here you are again, consoling a heartbroken boy.

"She told me she doesn't want to see me anymore." He sighs, avoiding your gaze. "I don't even know where it came from, she just straight up said it out of the blue. One minute we were sharing an ice cream sundae and laughing over our favourite comedians and then the next she's left the restaurant with barely a reason, leaving me with the bill."
"What a shitty thing to do." You say, contemplating whether or not to ask for specifics. Deciding you can only give good advice by knowing the full story you go ahead and ask him anyway. "What did she say?"
"She told me..." Another sigh escapes his lips. "She told me that it just wasn't working out for her. That she just doesn't want to see me anymore. It wasn't until I asked her 'why' that she gave in and told me that there was another guy. I just feel so stupid, you know? She told me at the beginning that she wasn't looking for anything too serious but I just went ahead and let myself get attached anyway. It's all my fault."
He runs his hand through his blonde hair, causing a few soft strands to hang down the side of his face.

"You're not at fault for having feelings, Soon. More fool her for letting an amazing guy like you get away!" You try to encourage him but you get nothing more from him than a forced half smile and a slight shake of his head.
You reiterate your point. "No, seriously. You are a wonderful person. Take it from someone who has spent the last 12 tears of their life as your best friend. You're funny, charismatic and one hell of a dancer. You're a major catch."
"Tell that to all the girls I try to date." He says.
"Okay, I will." You reply, grabbing your phone. "Give me their numbers, I'll give you one hell of a recommendation."
He laughs at this and you finally feel a lift in the mood.

"Ah, I'm sorry about always coming to you to complain about my love life, I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself." He says, and you can see the pitiful look in his eye.
"Oh come here, you." You gesture for him to hug you and he does, burying his face in your shoulder.
You can feel that he is crying very lightly and you rub his back to soothe him. It breaks your heart to see him so torn up.
"Don't be silly now." You whisper. "If none of these girls can see how perfect you are then none of them deserve you."
"I'm thinking that I don't deserve you." He sniffles.
"This is what friends are for." You reason.
He pulls away slightly to look you in the eye. His face is only centimetres from yours and his eyes are red. You bring a thumb to his cheek to wipe away a straying tear.
You feel him lean into your touch.
"No, really, what did I do right to have you in my life?"
Before you have any chance to reply Soonyoung puts his lips to yours.
You can taste the salt from his tears as his soft lips move against your own.
Your brain struggles to keep up with all the thoughts running around at once.

Soonyoung is kissing you - your best friend is kissing you. Does he have feelings for you or is this just a rebound?
You've never thought about kissing him before, this is all so unexpected.

But then you remember one important thing; he is your best friend. There is no one on this planet whom you trust more than this man right here.
So you give in. You let him kiss you and you kiss back.
As soon as you return his advances, the kiss heats tenfold.
Both his hands reach to your hair as he moves into you. You still have your hand remaining on his cheek but the other clings to the back of the sofa to steady yourself.
He's feverish as his lips are locked onto your own, barely parting for a second.
What an unexpected turn of events!
Finally, you two separate with one final, lingering kiss.

He stares at you in a daze as you wait expectantly for some kind of explanation. A simple solution that will help you understand what the hell just happened so you can just go back to being friends like always.
But that was never going to happen, was it? Things were different now.
Now, when you looked at him you only seemed to see his lips; his silky, pink lips that just wanted to be kissed by you.

"Wow." He breathes, taking your attention up to his eyes.
You just nod, your gaze falling back down to those lips.
"I.. uh.. well.." he's flustered, as he brings a hand up to brush the hair at back of his neck. "I don't know what came over me."
"Me neither." You agree, bewitched by the way his lips moved when he spoke. Then a streak of confidence hits you. "But I liked it."
You search his eyes for a reaction, hoping that you don't find any regret or sadness in them, but you find your eyes straying back down as his lips curve into a smirk.
"Is that so?"
You nod in return as you lean forward, capturing the object of your attention with your own lips. He kisses back, slow and sweet and you have to bring a hand to his chest and push him away to separate the two of you, knowing you would not have enough will power to pull away on your own.
"Gosh, if you've kissed any of those other girls I don't see how they'd ever manage to leave you." You breathe.
"What other girls?" Soonyoung grins before pulling you in once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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