They Accidentally Fall Asleep (Mini-Series) [Vernon]

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Deciding that you wanted to be a good girlfriend to Vernon, you chose to make a nice meal for him for when he finished practice. You had came over to the dorm to spend some time with him and so you'd decided to start preparing the food now since he was in the shower.

You were so focused on doing everything perfectly that you didn't hear the footsteps enter the kitchen.
You realise Vernon's presence, however, when his arms snake around your waist.
You let out a quiet gasp at the shock of the contact but soon relax into his embrace.
"..smell so good." You hear him mumble sleepily against your shoulder.
"That'll be the sauce I've used, it's supposed to be sweeter than others." You explain, your hands still working on cutting up the salad.
"Oh.. yeah, I was talking about the food. Yes." Vernon stutters out quickly.
You send him a little confused glance, but he can't see since he's snuggling his face into the back of your neck. What would he be taking about if it wasn't the food?
You let it go and go back to what you were doing.

You finish with the vegetables and arrange them on the plate neatly. It is then that you hear a slight snore come from your boyfriend.
No. Way.
His full weight is resting on your back as his hands are loosely around your waist. His head is half resting on your neck and half on your shoulder.
And he's fallen asleep! Standing up!

This boy seriously amazed you.
Practice must have been really tiring today for him to fall asleep like this. Especially before food!
You try to hold on to your laughter, you really do, but the soft chuckles soon turn into full blown hysterics.

The shaking of your shoulders wakes up the exhausted boy. He slowly stands up, gathering his surroundings.
"What're you laughing at?" He mumbles, rubbing his eyes.
"You fell asleep standing up!" You exclaim.
"I did?" His confused expression causes you to laugh again.
"Food's ready, so how about you eat before going back to sleep?"
"I'm sorry, I'll try to stay awake. You came to see me, after all." He smiles.
"Or we could nap together?" You suggest.
"And this is exactly why I'm dating you." He beams, planting a kiss on your forehead.

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