They Accidentally Fall Asleep (Mini-Series) [Woozi]

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You and Woozi were working together on some lyrical compositions down in the studio. You had both been close friends for years and usually when he was stuck with something music related he would call you up.
Today was one of those days where his inspiration was a little low and he was struggling to come up with a good bridge for a new song he was working on.
You had been in the studio with him for hours and it was already dark outside. Between the two of you, the lyrics to the bridge were complete, however; the tune didn't sit quite right yet so you were currently working on that.

"Hey, Jihoon, pass that sheet music." You mumble, too focused on the paper in your hand to notice him face down on the desk. When he doesn't reply, you speak again.
With still no reply, you look over to him. You let out a small chuckle when you realise he's fast asleep, his head resting against the papers he'd previously been working on. You take a brief moment to just take in how adorable he looked as he slept, before walking over to him in search of the paper you needed. After a few seconds of shuffling papers, you realise the sheet you need is the one that Woozi is resting on. You have no other option, you'll have to wake him.

"Wooooooooozzzziiiii." You coo, as you place a hand on his shoulder to gently shake him.
His eyes flutter open and, upon realising where he was, he sits up quickly. The sheet he was resting on sticks to his cheek and you begin to laugh at him. A confused expression is painted on his face as he tries to get his bearings.
It's then that the sheet falls and you really start hysterically laughing.
The ink from the paper has transferred to his cheek and song lyrics are now sprawled across his skin.
He gives another confused look at you, wondering about your reaction.
You manage to point to his cheek as you gasp for air between laughs and he looks in the reflection of his phone screen.

Due to how sleep deprived the two of you were, this situation seemed 100 times funnier than it usually would and the pair of you spend a good half an hour just laughing manically at each other. 
When the hilarity of the event subsides, you both realise just how exhausted you are.
"Maybe we should head to bed." Woozi states, glancing over at the clock.
You realise it's way past midnight and sigh. "I'll call a cab."
Woozi glances over at you before speaking again. "You could just stay here? We have a spare room."
You think it over. "I don't have a change of clothes."
"I'm sure I can lend you a shirt." He smiles, bashfully.
You smile at him. Your heart gives a little skip at the thought of sleeping in Woozi's clothes.
You give a nod to him and he smiles brightly.
"Come on, then." He says and he jumps up.

The pair of you head to his room where he offers you a few options of shirt. You choose one and as he turns to smile at you, you notice the ink that's still on his cheek.
"Oh, come here." You say, walking close to him and lift his chin with your fingers. He tenses, and looks at you, startled.
You use this to steady his face as you rub the ink off his cheek. When he realises what you're doing he relaxes but a blush coats his cheeks. Surely he didn't think you were doing something else, did he?
"There we go." You smile.
He clears his throat, nervously.
"Uh, follow me." He speaks.
He shows you to the spare room. You thank him and bid him a goodnight.

You change into his shirt which is oversized on you. Luckily, it's long enough to reach your mid thigh so you can get away with just wearing your underwear underneath.
You're just about to get into the bed when there's a knock at your door.
"Come in." You call out, feeling a little disappointed that you were almost so close to being asleep.

Woozi enters, your phone in his hand.
"You left this-" he stops when he sees you in his shirt. His blush reaches his ears as he brings a hand to the back of his neck.
"I'll leave it here. Uhm, good- goodnight!" He manages to stutter as he drops your phone onto the dresser by the door.
He quickly backs out of the room, pulling the door shut behind him.
You let out a little giggle at how darn cute he is, before finally slipping into bed.

You let out a happy sigh which turns to an annoyed one when you hear your phone receive a text. You debate on leaving it, but your curiosity gets the better of you.
You grab your phone and get back into bed, unlocking it to reveal the message.

You look really good in my shirt, by the way.

You wonder how to reply when another text comes through.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have actually sent that. I just thought I should've said it to you when I saw you and then thought I should just text you to tell you but now I realise that idea was a little strange.

Before you even finish reading that last message, another comes through.

Just.. goodnight, (y/n).

You type out a quick reply:
'Goodnight you adorable dork.'
and press send.

Both you and Woozi fall asleep with cheesy smiles on your faces that night.

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