Baby Dancer [Hoshi - Fluff]

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"Soonyoung! Quick!" You call out from your spot sprawled out on the sofa.
You were 7 months pregnant with your and Hoshi's first child; a little boy.
A little boy who was currently kicking about inside you quite a lot.

Hoshi runs into the living area and plops down onto the sofa next to you.
"Feel him." You say, excitedly.
He places both his hands on your swollen stomach as he waits expectantly.
You feel another kick and Hoshi smiles brightly at you upon feeling it.
"He's so active." He speaks fondly, glancing back down to your stomach.
"He's going to be a little dancer, just like his daddy." You smile up at your husband.
His face lights up at your words.
"You think so? I'll teach him all the best moves! He can follow in my footsteps.. Literally!"
"You're going to be a great dad, Soonyoung." The sincerity in your voice is clear and he pulls you into his arms.
"I sure hope so." He mumbles, nuzzling his face into your hair. "I love you so much, y/n."
"I love you too." You say as he brings his lips to yours. You share a soft, heartfelt kiss with the man you love.
Hoshi pulls away and moves back to your tummy.
"And I love you, too." He speaks in a baby voice to your stomach.
He then begins to sing a soft, slower rendition of 'Healing' to the tiny boy inside you. His beautiful voice fills the room and you feel your heart swell with love for your little family.

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