They Accidentally Fall Asleep (Mini-Series) [S.Coups]

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It was late at night and Seungcheol had been at your house all afternoon.
You were close friends and he had made a habit of visiting after practice every Friday. This had become your weekly movie night.
It was now a tradition that you'd buy snacks and he'd buy the pizza and you would both just laze about and eat loads of sugary and fatty foods together whilst indulging in a movie or two. What a great way to start every weekend off!

However, this week was a little different.
Meaning that now, as the credits to the film rolled up in the screen, you noticed that S.Coups was fast asleep... on your bed.
You lived in a studio apartment where the bedroom, kitchen and living room were all in one big open-plan room. This was perfect for movie nights since you could both just flop on the bed and still see the tv. It was also great because you could walk to the kitchen to get more snacks, all whilst being able to watch the movie as you do so.
Yet, now you realise it's a little bit of a bad idea since Coups is flat out, snoring softly, on your bed.

You glance over at the clock, it's already past midnight. He'd never fallen asleep before, Hoshi must've worked him hard at practice today.

"Seungcheol?" You speak but he doesn't stir at all.
You were going to have to wake him up; the boys would wonder where he'd gotten to and, besides, he has practice early tomorrow morning.
You sit up onto your knees and lean over him a little. You shake his shoulder.
"Seungcheol?" You speak a little louder.
He opens his eyes very slightly and then groans.
"(Y/n)-ah, just go to sleep." He whines as his hand wraps around your waist and pulls you toward him.
"Coups!" You shout as he pulls you down, holding you tightly against him.
You're lying practically fully on top of him, your head on his chest.
Both of Seungcheol's arms are wrapped firmly around your back so you can't move at all.
"Go to sleep." He mumbles as he nuzzles his face into your hair.
Your heart is absolutely pounding, he must be able to feel it! Luckily, he seems to have fallen fast asleep once again.

You try to escape him one more time but his grip tightens when you attempt to move. You sigh in defeat, finally relaxing in his embrace.
Hey, this wasn't so bad.
He's very warm and he smells great. You're hyper aware of every part of your body that's touching his and it makes you nervous.
However, his even breaths relax you and before long you're also drifting off to dreamland.


You wake up to the incessant buzzing of a phone.
Without thinking you grab it and accept the call.
"Hello?" You speak, groggily.
"(Y/n)? Why are you answering Hyung's phone?" Your fuzzy mind takes a while to comprehend what Hoshi means. But, as you feel warmth around you, you remember the situation you were in.
Coups was currently spooning you, his warm breath hitting the back of your neck.
"Wait a minute.. you guys didn't-?!" Hoshi sounds panicked, his imagination clearly running wild.
"What..? WAIT NO." Again, your brain takes a moment to understand what Soonyoung was implying. "He just fell asleep at my place. Nothing happened."
"Sure it didn't. Well, can you just tell him he's late for practice and if he can pull himself away from you it'd be great if he could get down here." Hoshi teases and hangs up.

"Ugh, that boy." You hear S.Coups murmur. He must've heard all of that.
You turn onto your other side to look at him, his arm still resting on your waist.
"Morning." He smiles at you, still half asleep. "Sorry about last night, I guess I get kind of clingy when I'm tired."
Your heart flutters at his morning voice.
"'Kind of'?" You repeat.
"Okay, a lot." He laughs.

"Guess I better get going." He sighs, stretching and then getting out of bed. You sit up in the bed, not quite sure how to react to this unusual situation.
"I don't expect the boys to take this lightly. Oh, but don't worry, I'll clarify everything for them, I don't want them thinking any differently about you." He smiles.
He then leans across you to grab his phone. His face isn't far from yours as he speaks again. "But we should definitely do that again sometime." He smirks.

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