They Accidentally Fall Asleep (Mini-Series) [Dino]

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"Damn it, Dino." You angrily whisper.

That boy had done it again. You don't know how many times he'd borrowed your phone to play on your games, but somehow every single time he did, he fell asleep with it.

'But you're a higher level than me.'
'I won't have it for long!'
'My phone is dead and I can't find the charger.'
You remember all of his pleading after you'd initially told him 'no'. Of course you'd given in to him. Again.
And here you were, needing the device that was currently wedged under his arm as he slept. Again.

Dino was sitting on a dining chair, his head resting in his arms as he slept on the table.
You could see your phone tucked away securely under his arm, right next to his face.
There was no way you'd be able to retrieve it without waking him, and as much as you were agitated at him for always taking your phone when you needed it, he just looked so darn cute as he slept that you didn't want to bother him.

You decide to see if you can find one of the other guys to see if you can borrow their phone. However, as you pass through the kitchen you spot one on the bench. That was handy! You pick up the phone and press the home button, lighting up the screen.
The screensaver shows a silhouette of Michael Jackson. This is Dino's phone!
You look at the battery percentage to see it's still on 89%. That lying little scoundrel.
You try to unlock it, guessing his birth year as the passcode. Bingo.

Now, how to get revenge? You're feeling pretty angry that not only did he lie to you when he said his phone was dead, but now he's done the exact same thing he always does and has fallen asleep with yours.
You walk back into the dining area and look back at Dino's sleeping figure.
An idea comes to mind and you lift up his phone, taking a snap of the sleeping maknae. You then proceed to open up twitter and post the image to their account with the caption:
'Baby Dino having nap time.'
You giggle to yourself as an abundance of retweets, likes and comments begin.

You then pull up the contacts on Dino's phone and click on your own name, you press call and watch Dino expectantly.
Within a few brief moments, your phone begins ringing loudly under Dino. He jumps up, looking confused. His eyes dart down to the device that's vibrating across the table. He seems to be even more confused when he sees that it's his own name lighting up the screen.
That's when he seems to notice you standing, watching him, with his phone in your hand.
"(Y/n)-ah, why?" He whines, putting his head back down on the table.

"Your phone is dead though, isn't it?" You ask sarcastically.
Dino just groans, knowing he's been caught out. You hang up the phone and sit down opposite him.
He has his eyes closed, seemingly hoping to go back to sleep.

You open the twitter app and begin to read out some of the fan comments on the photo you posted.

"Baby Dino is just the cutest." You say, earning yet another confused look from the boy. He looks up at you through his lashes as he still rests against the table.
"Dino is such a bias-wrecker."
"It's illegal to be that cute, Lee Chan."
When he realises you're reading these out, he becomes intrigued.
"Where are they from?" He asks, groggily.
"Look at my little bias, he's so adorable, oh my god just marry me already." You continue to read.
"Where are they from?" He reiterates his question, clearer this time. He sits up, clearly intrigued.
"They're just from a recent twitter post." You say quickly, before reading out another comment. "Have my babies-"
"Okay!" He cuts you off, embarrassed. "Who posted it, is it a group photo?"
"I posted it, and nope, it's just you." You reply, smugly. You push his phone over to him.
"(Y/n)!" He complains, grabbing the phone from the table to get a closer look. He then quickly deletes the photo from the twitter page. His cheeks flush red furiously.
"I don't think that'll help much, most of the carats probably already saved it." You state, grabbing your own phone from the table and standing up. "Don't lie to me again, Chan." You smirk.
"Sorry." You hear him mumble.

You pass Hoshi as you walk out of the room.
"Dino, that photo was super cute! Did you stage it? Who took it for you?" You hear him speak. Dino just groans loudly and you chuckle to yourself.

Seventeen ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora