They Accidentally Fall Asleep (Mini-Series) [Mingyu]

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The boys were practicing their latest choreography routine and you had the pleasure of being able to watch. You sat on the floor at the edge of the studio, your back pressed up against the mirrored wall. They'd been at it for hours and you admired their stamina. 

"Good job, everyone. Take a break." Hoshi says, grabbing a water bottle from the floor and heading out of the studio.
The rest of the group disband, either sitting around in the studio or leaving. Your close friend, Mingyu, drops down onto the floor beside you, panting.
"You all look great!" You compliment. "Hoshi's only getting better with his choreography ideas."
Mingyu smiles at you, too out of breath to hold a conversation.

After a moment, you feel a weight across your lap. You look down to see Mingyu's legs over yours.
"They ache so bad." Mingyu whines comically as he gestures to his legs.
Instinctively, you rest your hands on one of his shins and begin to rub across the fabric of his sweatpants, hoping to relieve some of the ache in his lower legs.
You watch the other boys in the room who all look equally as exhausted.
"How much longer do you think it'll take to perfect the dance?" You ask.
"Not much longer." You hear Mingyu mumble. You glance over to see that he has his eyes closed. You stifle a giggle at how darn cute he is, and look back out to the room.
It's peacefully quiet, the only sound being the soft chatter of the other boys sitting across the room.
You continue to massage Mingyu's legs as you get lost in your own thoughts.

Before too long, the other boys filter back into the room and Hoshi gets their attention.
"Let's push just a little more and get this finished today!" He pep talks. "We can do this!"
The rest of the boys return to the centre of the room, stretching and yawning with a few complaints of aches. Everyone is in position except Mingyu, who is still draped across you.
The boys all fix their attention to him, and so do you.
Mingyu is sleeping peacefully, a mixture of his exhaustion and your massages sending him over the edge and off to dreamland. You take in his gentle, serene features and then glance back to the boys.
Some seem a little annoyed at the interruption, others seem amused.
You begin to feel a little embarrassed at all the attention, and suddenly the weight of Mingyu's long legs feel heavier as you realise they are pinning you to the floor and preventing you from escaping the situation.

"See! I've been telling you guys for ages! Don't they make a good looking couple!" Jeonghan says, looking at the others triumphantly.
Your cheeks set ablaze at his words.
You begin to tap Ming's legs, hoping to wake him. When he doesn't stir you hit them harder.
"Mingyu." You whisper harshly as you hit his shin one last time.
His eyes open and he's a little disoriented, glancing around. When he realises where he is, he stretches out, pushing his legs further into you.
He notices the attention on him and gives a confused look to the boys.
"What did I miss?" He asks, pulling his legs off you and sitting up beside you.
"Just hyung telling us how great of a couple you and (y/n) would make." Dino says, gesturing to Jeonghan.
Now it was Mingyu's turn to blush. He glances over to you and notices that you're equally as embarrassed.
He decides to take control.
"I know we do, we're partners in crime!" He jokes, slinging an arm over your shoulders.
You force a laugh, attempting to join in his way of steering the conversation in a new direction.
"That's not what he meant and you know it." Jun interjects. "Just marry each other already."
The awkwardness returns again, but Mingyu tries to make light of the situation once more.
"You're right! (Y/n)?" He asks as he gets up into one knee. "Marry me?"
Although you know it's a joke, your heart pounds anyway.
"Yeah, sure, why not?" You play along.
"There you go, happy now?" Mingyu smiles to Jun who simply laughs at him.
"Can we get on with practice now?" Seungcheol asks, and before too long the boys are back into the swing of things.

You sit and think over the comical proposal and your mind can't help but think what married life with Mingyu would actually be like. You get caught up in your own little fantasies and before long you realise their practice is over.
The boys disband and Mingyu walks over to you. You stand up to meet him.
He's sweating and still breathing heavily.
"Finally, we're done." He smiles.
"That's great!"
"Hey, listen, I'm sorry about the boys earlier. They shouldn't embarrass you like that." He seems a little bashful as he looks up at you through his eye lashes.
"It's no problem, I'm used to them." You chuckle and he seems relieved.
"I can't believe I proposed to you." He laughs.
"I can't believe I said yes!"
"That's right! We have to get married now." He's still laughing but you can't help but think back to your earlier fantasising of married life with Kim Mingyu.
"We're a bit young." You feign worry.
"Oh, that's true." Mingyu plays along with your fake concern before his face becomes more serious. "We could always just settle on a date for now?"
The smile falls from your face as you snap your head to look up at him, trying to gauge how serious he is.
"You're still kidding, right?" You ask, cautiously.
"Not anymore. I would actually really like it if you gave me just one chance at a date with you." A hopeful look glints in his eyes.
"How could I ever say 'no' to that?" You reply, setting his face into a bright smile.

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