They Accidentally Fall Asleep (Mini-Series) [Jun]

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Where has that boy put my phone now? You think to yourself.
Your best friend, Jun, was always borrowing your phone to listen to music, since your iTunes library was, as he'd argued, 'much better than his'. The only problem with this was that he had a bad habit of not returning it.

You wander around the dorm looking for him, only to find that he's sprawled out on the sofa, snoring lightly.
You smile at his peaceful face, getting a little lost in the perfection that is Wen Junhui.
Snapping yourself out of your silent adoration, you begin to scan your eyes around the room looking for where he might have left your phone.

You wander into the kitchen to see if he'd left it in there, but you had no such luck.
Running out of places to search, you decided you might just have to wake him and ask. After all, the call you needed to make was quite important and you couldn't wait for him to wake up.
You head back over to the sofa situated in the middle of the living area, ready to gently shake Jun's shoulder.
As you approach him, however, you notice a familiar rectangular shape in his jeans pocket.
It had to be your phone.

You look between Jun's face and his pocket multiple times, debating whether to get it yourself or just stick with your original plan of waking him up.
You opt for the first option, since you know he can be pretty grumpy when woken up.
Hopefully he's a deep sleeper.
You start by carefully working your fingers into the top of the pocket, keeping an eye on Jun's face to make sure he doesn't stir. Luckily, he doesn't and your fingers make contact with the plastic of your phone case.
You try to get your fingers around the device but his pocket is very restricting.
God damn him and his super tight skinny jeans.

After putting up a little bit of a fight with the black denim, you manage to get a grip on your phone.
You just begin to slide it upwards when you hear a deep chuckle.
"What have we here?"
Your head snaps up to look at Jun. A guilty look appears on your face.
He's smirking at you, looking between your face and your hand. You pull your hand away from his jeans, taking the phone with you.
"You- you took my ph-phone!" You manage to stutter out, holding up your phone in defence as a blush fiercely coats your cheeks. He sits up on the sofa.
"Of course. Any excuse to feel me up, eh (y/n)?" He raises an eyebrow.
"It's not like that-" you try to defend yourself but he cuts you off.
"And when I was asleep too! Do you like to prey on the defenceless?" He continues, his voice low and seductive. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's teasing you.

You're at a loss for words, when luckily, The8 walks in.
"Minghao!" You greet, a little over enthusiastically as you rush toward him and grab his arm. He looks a little taken aback but you need a good excuse to escape Jun's intense teasing.
"(Y/n)!" Minghao imitates, although nowhere near as enthusiastic as you.

Jun stands up and saunters to the doorway.
"Well, see ya." He says as if nothing happened.
You sigh in relief at the fact he's leaving, you don't think you could handle anymore teasing from him. Especially when you feel the way you do about him.
"But watch out, Ming." Jun says, his voice low as he leans toward his friend. "(Y/n)'s known to be quite touchy feely, if you know what I mean." He makes eye contact with you pointedly before turning to leave.

Minghao is clearly feeling awkward as his gaze moves down to you hands that are still wrapped around his arm.
You quickly pull them away and clear your throat.

"Man, why am I always getting in the way of Jun's flirting? I wish he'd just hurry up and ask her out." He mumbles to himself as he walks away from you, continuing on his way into the kitchen.

Seventeen ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon