Chapter 18.

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It had been a week since Dustin had gone back to the army, a week since Jake and Kaia had seen each other. She didn’t know why he had been keeping his distance, especiallyafter everything that happened in San Francisco. Maybe Dustin was right after all. Kaia thought about this, as she over looked the city through her window. In the distance she could see the twinkling lights of Hollywood, even at five in the morning, the lights never stopped. When you live in a city that never sleeps, you wake up early to see the sunrise all the time, and this place seems to have the perfect view. Just think of all the lives you would see that pass by you on the ground. You’d look down and think of stories for each person, wondering where they are off to, and how their life has been, while you just sit there covered in you blanket, all cozy, and living your own life. That’s what Kaia was like. Sat in the darkness of her bedroom, she sat by the window wrapped up in a blanket, a cut of hot, stemming tea placed next to her as she scanned the city, lost in her thoughts. 

That's what it is like in Los Angeles. Everyone is lost in the City of Angels, chasing their own dreams trying to make something of themselves. In the fire burned hills, the land of a billion lights. Dreams weren’t made they were won. It’s the silver of a lake at night; a boulevard of hope and dreams, streets made of desire. Everyone was there for the same thing; they were just trying to fit in, trying to find themselves. Everyone’s just looking for something, a new beginning, that one special person. And hope. And anything can be found in the city of angels. It changes the way you think about things. It becomes a part of you. Kaia was brought out of her thoughts by the ringing of her phone. Turning from the window to the desk where her phone rested next to her. Jakes name flashed on the screen causing Kaia to smile. “Miss Young, it is Memorial Day, and you are spending it with me.” She couldn’t see him, but she knew he had his famous smirk greeting his feathers.

“Mr. Lawrence, it is five in the morning.” She stared at the ceiling, as she couldn’t help but smile, he made her feel warm inside, even by just hearing his voice. She pushed herself up and walk over to the window pushing the blinds back, and there stood Jake with a large smirk, holding the phone to his ear. Lifting his hand in a half-hearted wave, he bit his lip nervously, waiting to see what she would do. Kaia laughed to herself and push the window open.

“I knew you would be up.” He chuckled keeping his eyes on her. “Come down, I’m waiting. And bring your camera.” She quickly hung up and rushed over to her closet. She didn't really care if Jake saw her dressed in a pair of old sweatpants as he’s already seen her in them, but she knew they were going out, and didn’t want to be seen in public looking like she did. Pulling out a pair of light washed boyfriend jeans and a baggy white top she pulled them on and quickly applied the smallest amount of makeup and brushed out her hair so she looked presentable, and finally, she slipped on a pair of Chuck Taylor's. Picking up the old camera off her desk she shoved it into her bag, along with something other things she may have needed. Opening the window, a gust of cool air made her want to recoil to the comfort of her warm bed, but she continued and grabbed onto the pole by the window anyway. Slipping down it with ease. Once she was down to the street level she could easily spot Jake’s Range Rover and him leaning against the hood of it.

“Where are we going?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she stood opposite him, the only lights source at this moment in time were the streetlights above them, casting a sting yellow light, making both of their features look flawless and supermodel like.

After observing her for a moment, he finally replied. “Hollywood. The land of stars.” He smirked tilting his head, telling her to get in the car. Starting it up, they began their unknown adventure. Things are different in this city. Anything under 60 degrease is winter. Less traffic than you expected makes your day. You forget that stars are also in the sky. You refuse to walk anywhere but you love to 'hike'. ‘I'm on a cleanser’ is an acceptable reason to turn down dinner. You never know if that shaking was an earthquake, or just a big truck passing by? The only time you're near public transport is when proving to friends from out of town, that it exists. Frozen Yogurt has become an addiction. You practically live in your car. And when people trash talk LA you agree with them, just so you don't have to share your paradise. But they both loved it so much. They had grown up in these streets, lived the lives people would kill to have. They had all the money in the world, but that didn’t make them who they are, the city did. Kaia watched the world pass by for the passengers seat, her feet up on the dashboard, the radio blasting at full volume. The freeway was basically empty, but at five in the morning, that was no surprise. Adjusting the volume, Jake settled into his headrest, concentrating on the open road in front of him. “Kaia, there’s something I need to tell you.” Jake mumbled as she breathed heavily through his nose. Kaia turned to him, confused. “A couple of weeks ago, my mom and dad had a talk with me.” He paused, making sure that she was listening. “It was the night Nate beat me up and I came home with cuts and bruises over my face. My mom said that we needed to talk about-“

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